16 Subscriptions That Actually Make Sense to Have
From high-end fashion to gourmet food, subscriptions provide value that more than justify any extra expenses that might appear excessive at first. Here we will look at 16 types of subscriptions which might seem extravagant at first but actually add significant value in return.
Embracing the Serenity of Candlelit Showers: A New Nightly Ritual
Dim the lights, spark the flame—discover the art of candlelit showers for a nightly ritual that soothes the soul and elevates 'me time.
Fitness YouTube Channels So Good, That I Canceled My Gym Membership
With these motivating channels, you can move your body in so many different ways that it might be overwhelming to pick which Youtuber and their sweat style suits you and your body's needs. But this is where I come in—here is a list of six different Fitness YouTube channels to help get you started and prompt you to quit that expensive gym membership.
6 Unique Summer Party Ideas That Will Wow Your Guests
Whether you prefer staying indoors or partying on your patio, here are some not-your-average-family-BBQ party ideas that encourage you to step into your host era this summer, and become the driver of the buzzing anticipation that this season brings every year.
Everything You Need To Know About Vision Boards And Their Manifestation Power
When building a vision board for manifestation, it is important to focus on the emotional aspects of your dreams. If you are selecting images that represent career growth, try to imagine exactly how you’ll feel when you achieve your goal.
How To Make Holiday “Me Time” That Resets and Recharges You
Despite all the warmth and joy wrapped up in the holiday season, there’s no denying that endless shopping and holiday events can make our lives hectic. As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, it can be easy to feel depleted.
Murphy's Law: A Masterclass on Handling the Day When Everything Went Wrong
Welcome to your guided tour of how best to cope when things don't go according to plan…
Here’s How to Get Through the Holidays While Maintaining Your Sanity
To help you survive the holiday madness, here are some tips to preserve your mental health that can stick with you throughout the year.
The Smart Woman’s Guide To Buying A New Car
To try and ensure that you buy a safe, well-made motor that is just right for you – without getting
taken advantage of along the way – here is a quick and concise guide to help you avoid potential car-
purchasing pitfalls.
Manifestation Techniques That Will Guarantee The Life YOU Want
Manifestation techniques that will convert those dreams into your real life
Schmooze: The New Dating App For Meme Enthusiasts
Schmooze is the dating app that brings meme lovers together, and forms a perfect match
If You Worry about Meditating Perfectly, Try Shifting Your Perspective
When I began to meditate on a daily basis, I encountered many roadblocks. I was unconsciously creating these challenges with my own preconceived notions of what meditation was supposed to feel like…
Is It Worth It: Are Healing Crystals BS, Or Must Haves?
However, since crystals debuted in the world of Instagram, it has been associated with feng shui, healing, and the diluted truth of bringing radiant energy amidst the chaos. How much of this is true?
What To Pack For A Show Stopping Spring Break
Essential items you need to bring to make Spring break 2021 the best one yet!
Clubhouse: The New Secret, Invite-Only Social Platform Everyone Is Fighting To Get On
What’s Clubhouse, and why is everyone so obsessed to get on it?!