Manifestation Techniques That Will Guarantee The Life YOU Want

Many people walk around wanting and hoping, but don’t understand you have all the power needed to make it happen. It all comes down to manifestation, and attracting those wants and hopes right into your life.

There are various manifestation techniques that have been proven by thousands across the globe to be effective in turning their dreams into realities. But, it takes true belief of what you want to attract into your life. You also must have complete faith in your manifestation. During these manifestation techniques, you must see it, and feel it, as if it’s already here in your life.

Which technique are you willing to try first?


See below for steps on how to do the 2 Cup Manifestation Technique.

How to do it

Although the steps might seem a little intricate, the method in itself is very intuitive and simple to understand and to do.

You need

  • 1 empty cup

  • 1 cup full of water

  • Labels (or tiny pieces of paper and tape)

  • A pen


  • Label the 2 cups: the one with the water is your current situation, and the empty cup is your desired situation

For example, if what you’re trying to manifest is more abundance in your life, your current reality cup could say something like “broke, struggling to pay my bills” and your desired reality cup should say “abundant, I always have more than I need” etc.

  • Sit with them: after you’ve labeled the two cups, meditate for a few moments on how each reality feels; feel what your current situation is like, and then focus on how your ideal positive situation will feel like

  • Pour the water: while holding on to the positive feeling of your desired situation, pour the water from your current cup into your desired cup

  • Be present: while pouring the water, really identify with it, feel it, see it, hear it, pay attention to the sound of the water being poured into the desired reality cup; it’s really silly but I like to envision sparkles around it and a bright light surrounding me, and it feels just like magic

  • Meditate: after you’ve poured the water in the desired reality cup, meditate on the new state of the glasses; you have just tuned into your desired reality and the water in the cup is vibrating with feelings of positivity, joy, gratitude, and whatever it is that you’re manifesting; contemplate on that.

  • Drink the water: while holding on to that powerful positive feeling, drink the water (that is now in the desired reality cup) and feel excited while doing so, knowing that you are now perfectly aligned with the vibration you’re manifesting in your reality and the right events, opportunities, people are magnetically attracted to you

  • Get rid of it: you can rip up the “current reality” label and you can keep the “desired reality” one, depending on what feels right.

  • Live in the desired reality: what’s very important to understand is that now that you’re aligned with your ideal life, you have to keep living like it; like Jim Carrey said “you can’t just visualize and then go eat a sandwich”, similar to how you can’t align to your desired reality and still keep mourning the current one — you have to actually be, act, exist in your desired state

That’s it — this is how the method works, and all the steps to follow. I understand if it looks/feels a bit weird written on paper, but when you do it first-hand it’s way more intuitive.


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