Why There Is Still Hope, In What Seems Like A Hopeless World
2020 has drained us, but not all is lost. We’re on the way to a better tomorrow…
Real Talk: What I Wish I Had Been Taught About Self-Love
Society norms have diminished the importance of self-love, and here’s how to take it back
Add Kanye Breakdown to the List of 2020, This Season Keeps on Giving
Kanye has let it alllll out. Is it true? Is it fabricated?
Race Discourse in The American Workplace: A Perspective
What is the next step to do away with systemic racism in the workplace? Here’s how it’s being done….
I Take Full Responsibility For George Floyd’s Murder; The Dead Should Not Be Our Strongest Activist
“I need to speak up and continue pushing the boulder of change uphill, that is why I take full responsibility in his death, because I was compliant and accepting of a fake reality….”
In the Wake of George Floyd: Thoughts on Privilege, Race, and Justice
The death of George Floyd has come with a flood of feelings and emotions for all. It has been a time to reflect, fight, and reset….
How to Stay Away from Cliche Responses during a Racial Revolution
“Right now, everyone needs to actively listen to their hearts, so that it can cut through the surface level of condolences and facades of trying to relate….”
Black Women Feel the Fate of Black Men in America; The Weight is Unbearable...
How do black women feel after George Floyd’s murder? They feel fearful, unheard….but most of all exhausted…
Dealing With he Anxiety Of Moving Forward, At a Safe Distance...
How does one get out of the mindframe of survival, and back into moving forward in their aspirations?
Meditation is Medication... Not Everyone Has the Same Prescription...
Doesn’t group meditation defy the sole purpose of it? So, why do we give into it?
Is It Worth It: "Randonauting", I Rando Think Not...
Randonauting is trending on Tik Tok, but is it safe? Is it creepy AF? Why are people drawn to it….?
Nightlife: Extinct or Forever Changed After Coronavirus?
Sweating at the club, bumping shoulders at the festivals, lap dances at the strip clubs. Is it forever over after this pandemic?