Affirmations: I Tried Speaking Out To The Universe, And This Happened....#spoilerItWorked!

You are amazing. You will get that promotion. That new car is yours. You will have a life of abundance and joy. 

The power of words go far beyond the physical form. What you say represents your thought process, and ultimately your frequency in life. When you speak something into existence, you carry out a thought and take action in the form of words. There is an unexplainable variable humans labeled “ The Universe” that hears and responds to your words.


There is energy behind every syllable. Chants, mantras, and meditations have been practiced for thousands of years. Famous Songs, hymns, poems, and playwrights conceive a certain emotion and air about them, proving the acknowledgement of an eternal source answering our silent prayers.


I practice meditation and positive affirmations and experienced the universal response personally. You hold the power in your next sentence. Words in meditation fall under the law of attraction study. This energy has been studied since the 1800s. If the old philosophers saw the importance of positive affirmations and how it affects your life, there’s nothing wrong with looking into it today. 


So, if you want it, speak up about it! I have a quiet moment to myself in the morning and I pray, so far I regularly prayed for health, protection, and a couple of material things: a new car and a new job. 3 years I shared my gratitude for another day and gratefulness on the new car and new job I will receive. Today I have the new car I want, and a few new jobs ( including this one) I’m just saying, if I can speak it and see the results. You can too!

cover image via Conscious Lifestyle Mag


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