Real Talk: How To Break Free From A Routine Ridden Life

Life sucks. I get it. Nothing exciting is happening. Most of us have a set routine and the schedule is as follows: wake up, get ready for work, sit in traffic, work eight hours with fake smiles and forced small talk, then we get home with barely enough energy to crawl to our beds just to do it all over again. I know the feeling of wanting to break that chain. A new life shouldn't be something you wish upon a star for, it's imperative to evolve each year and get closer to paradise whatever that would look like to you. Listening to that voice calling out for more is the first step to getting off the haunted merry-go-round of the ordinary and boring lifestyle. Once you look at life from a wider lens, it will be easier to create a new life for yourself.


The impact of the same routine sets the tone for your life.

You start to think this is all that life can be. Thoughts that get you through the day become a hamster on a wheel, they don't elevate you or keep you moving forward. With no change in habits or thoughts, there is no change in your physical life. Now you're in an endless cycle of thinking a certain way, that's when “life sucks” because there's no advancement in life. Creating a new livelihood requires creativity but the mundane Monday through Friday routine chokes out that outlet to think outside of that schedule. thinking life sucks should trigger the urge to change and burst out into a new vision of existence.


A new life is hidden in a new way of thinking.

Yes, it's that easy. The transformation has to be within your mentality first, before you see the physical change. Let's be honest, most of us feel safe in the boring routine. It enables us to go through life half-sleep and without any riffs within our process. As long as bills are paid and food is on the table “ we’re happy” but we both know that's not true. You desire more and you just categorize that as “ dreams” or something to think about but never seen it happen for you. Although it may not happen right away, I guarantee if you start to break that mental chain of “ just getting by” you will start acting out more of what you want to see in your space. Listen to the inner voice that is searching for more, internally you are looking to expand.

Cover image via The Muse


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