Remote Jobs: Convenience or Enabling Workaholism?
It’s about getting that bag and seeing those dollar signs. In this day and age you can’t just survive on one source of income; you need multiple. It’s the new normal to have a full time job paired with so many remote opportunities. Taking the opportunity to speak to an executive recruitment agency can make a big difference to your career options, especially if you want remote work. If remote work is the new normal, then finding the best support for a job that matches your needs makes sense. It gives us a little financial freedom where we cover the bills and have a little extra for Friday night’s cocktail. But, when is doing too much actually too much? The weight of all of remote jobs can take a toll on our social life and our overall well-being.
The struggle is real. Living paycheck to paycheck causes anxiety and stress. Luckily, with technological advancements remote working was born, and moonlighting became the rational solution to some of our money woes. Remote or contracted opportunities such as Lyft or Fiverr has opened up a portal to having a little bit more change in our pocket; without interrupting the 9-5 we already have.
Remote jobs provide a gateway to more stability with minimum physical effort of having to be somewhere. It’s almost like you can be in two places at once. (Almost) so you have two jobs now. But it’s so accessible, all you have to do is see a post for another remote job, with the flexibility of making you on schedule. So you decide “why not, let me add this one too.” Who needs sleep. And so the addiction begins.
via The Conversation
Although the flexibility of remote jobs is great, it creates a wedge in connection to rehabilitate of ourselves. All of a sudden we never have time to rest and the last social thing you did was check your Instagram. Regrettably, there is no physical way to be in two places at once. Our time and focus can’t be sliced in half either. So we have to sacrifice a lot in order to manage our multi-opportunity lifestyle. Missing out on friends and family moments “because of work” is a tell tell sign that the numerous jobs are becoming more of a problem than a solution.
cover image via The Muse