November 2019 Horoscopes: The Season of the Ex

Watch out, babe, the winds of change are here!

November arrives with some stormy cosmic weather sure to cause hiccups and shifts in direction. Mercury Retrograde began on the very last day of October, but we will be in the throes of it throughout the entire month. It’s the season of the “ex!” Mercury is spinning backwards in the intense, passionate, and emotional zodiac sign of Scorpio, meaning that we are all taking a deep dive into our desires. These may be conscious or unconscious at this time because Scorpio’s energy is fathomless and taps into the wells of obsession. Our inner Mean Girl could be ready to strike. Our darker nature may emerge at this time and our shadow self could be rearing its hunger for us to confront. What are you running from, hiding from, or fearful to face?  Face the truth, babe. No matter who you are, by being aware of your shadow self, you can better integrate your awareness with your consciousness. As night cannot exist without day, darkness cannot exist without light. Our darker selves deserve to be embraced, cherished, and understood, rather than hidden away, babe. This awareness can lead us to happier lives. This retrograde will be highly intuitive for us and we are finishing the third and last Mercury Retrograde of 2019. Most of these retrogrades took place in Water Signs, forcing us to be honest with our emotions and allow them to balance with our minds. Sometimes our intellect and practicality need to be reminded that our intuitive and empathic powers give us messages just as important as our logic. This is one of those times, babe, so don’t run away.

With the Sun, too, in Scorpio, we will be feeling the urge to connect with others and dive deeper into our relationships. At the end of October we had a New Moon in Scorpio, and the power of this cycle will echo on in the first week of the month. Consider how you can unite with others, babe. Cuffing season has officially arrived! Scorpio also has strong ties to sex (purr), business (make it rain), and power (bow down, bitches), so if you seek to build any of these into your life, now would be a strategic time to do so.

A mighty and powerful Full Moon in Taurus will light up the night’s sky on November 12th. Get ready to wear those horns proudly, babe! Full Moons carry very important messages and always align back to our actions during a New Moon in the same sign. Taurus rules money, possessions, morals, and values, and is overseen by the planet Venus, who governs beauty, love, marriage, and art. Want that perfect mani, pedi, or beauty spree? Could be a fab time, lady. This Full Moon is connected to how you were building abundance in your life since May and you should be reaping the rewards. If you are not, you may choose to change direction and move onto a new path so you can find a more fulfilling bounty. This Full Moon will reverberate the entire week, and we will be feeling our sensual needs craving to be met. Find ways to embrace beauty in all of its forms. Treat your inner Goddess to some sweet and tasty treats!

Mercury Retrograde will officially end on the 20th, but the storm will certainly still be in motion until the end of the month. Fairly quickly, though, things should pick up and the pace of life will improve. Season of the ex, though, isn’t fully over till mid-December, so you may still be feeling those nostalgic vibes, babe.

As we near the end of the month, Sagittarius season arrives as the majestic Sun blazes a trail on into this adventurous zodiac sign on the 22nd. It’s time to have some fun!  The pace of life will definitely quicken — certainly with Mercury also moving forward once again — and this is a time of the year where we are drawn to unique, new experiences. Let’s get saucy.  Sagittarius rules international connections, the media, spirituality, and higher learning. During this point in the year, find ways to learn more about the world, culture, and humanity as much as you can, babe. Spread those wings! By reaching a higher plane of understanding, you will actually be infusing your life with fresh air. On November 26th, the New Moon in this sign cracks open within the sky and ushers a new path to you, as well. Think big at this time. Just as ancient people used to look to the sky and wonder what the Universe had in store, you, too, can unlock the mysteries of life.

One last date to note in November, though, is the blessed and miraculous meeting of Venus, planet of love, with Jupiter, planet of luck and profit. Five star day, babe! Do not miss this cosmic stardust! This takes place on November 24th and will feel like a gift from Heaven. We are hereeeeee for it! This is one of the most looked forward meetings of the planets because pure and tremendous blessings can come into our lives. Beauty is favored in every way and any relationship can improve at this time. Do not wait for it to come to you. Miracles and windfalls may happen and if you open your heart, you could begin a love story that never ends. 

Babe Affirmations for November



Learn how to share, babe. You can grow when you learn to work together as one.



Dance with a twin flame, babe. It is important to know when to lead or to follow. Release relationships that do not support you.



Restructure your routine, babe. If you aren’t happy with your day-to-day schedule, make it work better for you.



Swim in the deep oceans of love, babe. Open your heart to feel new waves of emotion.



Stand on sturdy ground, babe. If you don’t feel like you’re able to reach to the stars, it might be time to clean house.



Speak your truth, babe. Let your voice ring.



Know your worth, babe. It’s time to step up and increase your harvest.



Show the world you’re the star, babe. No longer must you hide in the shadows.



Heal your wounds, babe. There’s no reason to let demons haunt you.



Increase your popularity, babe. You change your life when you find friends who will lift you up.



Snatch that crown, babe. Nobody got time to bow down right now.



Let the wind take you on new journeys, babe. Don’t be limited to your routine.

Let the wind take you on new journeys, babe. Don’t be limited to your routine.

Kyle Thomas is a globally published pop culture astrologer who has been interviewed by Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. His work harnesses the power of the stars and he is known for his cosmic guidance from the stars regarding celebrities, entertainment lifestyle, as well as trends affecting people all over the entire world. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, life coach, writer, and producer. Currently, he is the resident astrologer for @Horoscopes + @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.7 million followers) Wit & Delight, DEN Meditation, & Exhibit A, developing episodic content for television and digital platforms, as well as writing lyrics for established pop music producers. Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram: @MrKyleThomas ( or Facebook ( More info:


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