Brand Detective: Is Lululemon a Fad or Forever?

Who would want to spend $200+ on a workout outfit? Let alone a pair of leggings that cost more than $90 alone? Apparently, thousands of individuals. Over the years, a trend has emerged as individuals have invested more and more money in their workout apparel. For the longest time, it was normal to workout and wear your stained t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Today, workout clothing has become athleisure apparel. And which brand is the epitome of athleisure apparel, you ask? Well, Lululemon of course. 

Lululemon is a high-end athleisure brand that was founded in 1988 by Chip Wilson. What started as an idea is now a company worth almost at $18 billion dollars. Initially, the idea of being able to wear your workout clothes to go out seemed silly and unreasonable. Now, everybody seems to prefer this outfit choice over anything. Lululemon specializes in various styles and colors of leggings, sports bras, sweats and athletic wear for men and women. However, is the brand just the “it” thing of the decade? Or is it here to stay? 

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Over the years, conspiracies have risen about the brand and many people have provided such negative feedback, one would think the brand would be affected negatively. Absolutely not. If anything, the brand has gotten more popular and although most of the news tends to be on the less positive side of the spectrum, the brand remains at the top of the athleisure market. Despite the story about the mom and her daughter reading what was really written on the Lululemon’s shopping bags, the brand moved past it and re-manufactured their bags. Or even the origin of the name ‘Lululemon’ and how it came about. It seemed to have bothered some people, but not enough for the brand to go downhill. Others have expressed their concerns about the brand being cult-like. But are any of these concerns enough to stop the athleisure-obsessed individuals from shopping at the brand? Nope. 

Aside from all the negativity, the brand has done nothing but rise above it all. Lululemon is an empire that revolutionized the athleisure industry and will continue to dominate the years to come.

Aside from all the negativity, the brand has done nothing but rise above it all. Lululemon is an empire that revolutionized the athleisure industry and will continue to dominate the years to come. 

Cover image via Business Insider


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