Quiz: Is Your Spring Style On Point or In Trouble?

Spring is finally here, honey! Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming. The sun is shining. There’s literally nothing that could ruin this season-- well...except maybe allergies or not having anything to wear. But, it’s all good because I’ve got you covered. Take this quiz and find out what’s your spring style.

You’re at a rooftop brunch and need to wear the perfect pair of shoes to stun. What are you wearing?


A.) A pair of cute strappy sandals.

B.) Colorful chunky heels.

C.) Thigh high gladiators.

D.) A fresh pair of sneakers.

What song are you bumping all spring (if you like any of these, head to our Aries spotify playlist)?


A.) Sexy Please - Lion Babe

B.) Monopoly - Ariana Grande and Victoria Monet

C.) Good as Hell - Lizzo

D.) Can’t Take A Joke - Drake

Which phrase best describes your style?


A.) Sweet and sassy.

B.) Bright and bold.

C.) Glam and glowing.

D.) Pretty and playful.

What question is running through your head when you’re crafting an outfit?


A.) What says “thirty, flirty, and thriving?” Shout out to 13 Going on 30!

B.) Color theory gods, how can I do right by you?

C.) What makes me feel like Beyonce?

D.) How can I be both the cutest and most comfortable person in the room?

Now that it’s finally spring, there are a ton of activities to do that you can do now. Pick your fave!


A.) Going to a cherry blossom festival.

B.) Hitting up a rooftop brunch.

C.) Day parties!!!!

D.) Going for morning runs...and it’s not cold.

If you got Mostly A’s:

You’re floral and flirty. Think fun dresses, strappy sandals, and floppy hats. This style is perfect for those of us feeling extra feminine and sultry. It’s fun, light, and airy, perfect for spring.

If you got Mostly B’s:

Make way for the color block queen! Color theory is your best friend. You’re into bold colors and statement pieces. Your coordination is unmatched, so pick up some bright neon, flashy shoes, and get to coordinatin’, girl!

If you got Mostly C’s:

You’re a glam goddess, honey. If you’re going anywhere you’re going with a full beat and stilettoes, and rightfully so! You’re feeling and looking good as hell and are unapologetic about! Keep slaying sis, and stock up on all of the jumpers and latex you can find.

If you got Mostly D’s:

Sporty spice ain’t got nothing on you! You’re a little edgy, and a whole lot of comfort. It’s not always easy to serve looks while being comfortable, but you do it like it’s nothing. Streetwear is definitely your thing. Stay hip to the latest shoes, and keep doing you boo.

Cover image via Be Daze Live


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