Spring is Here! How to Make It Your Zen Season

Warmer weather is finally upon us! Spring is a magical time of year when flowers bloom, the sun shines, and we can all come out of hibernation after months of dreary grey coldness. It’s also the perfect time to revisit those New Year’s resolutions that may have been kicked to the back burner the past couple months. Whether you want to get outside and exercise more, have some recipes you’ve been too lazy to try, or your home is in dire need of a refresh, here are our top tips to start Spring off with your best foot forward.

Start Healthy Habits


Spring is the perfect time to try new things and built healthy habits. With the warmth outside, there’s no more excuses for not going outside for a jog, or heading to the gym. Get in the habit of working out now so that once winter hits again, it won’t be as tough to stay in your established routine. 

This is also a good time to change up your eating habits. Winter is full of heavy, hearty foods, but Spring marks a change towards lighter, greener meals. Eating seasonally not only gets you in the mood for the new time of year, but also ensures you’re eating the freshest, most nutrient-rich ingredients.

Bring Some Life to Your Space


When you think of spring, one of the first things to come to mind is flowers. Flowers and plants are an amazing way to welcome the new season and are also great to have in your home because they add oxygen to your space and can even clean the air you breathe. In Australia, people from all over the country come to the city of Canberra to see over a million flowers bloom in a giant floral display for the month-long festival called Floriade. What better way to celebrate spring than with beautiful, colorful flora!

Get Your Spring Cleaning Done Early


Clean homes translate to happy, healthy, people. Clutter can lead to anxiety and depression. And, after months of hiding inside from the cold climate often makes us too lazy to keep our space tidy. Now that the weather is warming up, it’s time to pull on those rubber gloves and get scrubbing! The quicker you get your spring cleaning done, the less you’ll have to worry about it. This also goes back to establishing better habits. If you give your home a good deep cleaning now, it will be much easier to keep it up in the weeks and months to come.

Add Some Spring Colors to Your Wardrobe


Every year, India celebrates the start of spring with Holi, a massive festival where people throw colored powder at each other in order to pay tribute to the colors of the new season. Follow suit by adding more color into your wardrobe and makeup palette. Doing this will get you in the right mindset for spring and the brighter colors will surely put you in a better mood as well!

Cover image via Chopra


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