Vaping...Why Do Bad Things Smell So Good...?
Here's the scoop on this whole vaping trend. Everyone is doing it, over 41 million users have been reported since 2018 in the US. Just like cigarettes they look cool, and even better than cigarettes, they have custom scents that you can choose, from vanilla to grape.
via Metro UK
But just like cigarettes, they can lead to lung related injuries and even death. Some things to consider; there has been over 26 confirmed vaping related deaths since october 15th. One day you’re puffing clouds, and the next you can be floating on one with a halo. Knowing that very real risk, is vaping really worth it? There has been over 1,400 lung injuries reported due to vaping. More than a quarter of the United States have banned vaping.
via NBC News
Somehow kids have gotten a hold of this vaping movement. I'm not sure if that was the intended target market, but who can say with scents titled unicorn vomit and birthday cake. 1 out 4 high school students are vaping. The ages of the infected range from 13 to 75 ( you read right… 13 years olds are using this). Vaping is still under investigation, and so far I haven't seen any health benefits come from this new way of smoking, this product has not been identified as a safe item to use. I say, don't do it. If you want to smell like vanilla, just light a candle. You want to be kind to your lungs, they kind of keep you alive.
Cover image via Market Watch