*UPDATED* (March 24, 2020) - True or False: Breaking Down Rumors of the Coronavirus
With this global pandemic, there are a lot of rumors that are being spread about COVID-19. We’re here to set the record straight and tell you what is true, so that you can stay healthy and safe.
via Hindustantimes
False: You can protect yourself from COVID-19 by swallowing or gargling bleach, taking acetic acids, using essential oils or salt water.
True: None of these protect you from COVID-19, and some of these practices can be very dangerous. As recommended by John Hopkins Medicine and the World Health Organization, the best way to protect yourself from the virus is to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, and to social distance.
via CNBC
False: Ordering or buying products shipped from China will make a person sick.
True: If you order any packages, including ones that come from China, you will be safe. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “scientists note that most viruses like this one do not stay alive for very long on surfaces, so it is not likely you would get COVID-19 from a package that was in transit for days or weeks.”
False: You can get coronavirus if you eat at a Chinese restaurant in the US.
True: No. And by that logic, you’d have to avoid Italian, Korean, and Japanese restaurants since those countries are also facing outbreaks. This can’t be stressed enough: the coronavirus does not just affect people of Chinese descent, nor is it more likely to infect people of Chinese descent.
False: This virus only affects older people.
True: People of all ages can be infected by the coronavirus. According to the WHO, older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions (asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, etc.) appear to be more vulnerable to catch the virus, but young adults and children can become infected as well.
False: If you have COVID-19 “you’ll know.”
True: No, you won’t. This virus has a wide range of symptoms, many which are similar to the flu and the common cold. As described by Live Science, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and difficulty breathing, and rarer symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and a runny nose. But early on, infected people show no signs at all. The incubation for COVID-19 is up to 14 days. Which means you can be out spreading it, while feeling great. It’s a sneaky one to say the least. It’s also why this virus has spread at alarming rates. The only way to know for sure if you have it is to be tested.
Help others by spreading true information, washing your hands, and practicing social-distancing. Stay safe, babes.
cover image via Economic Times