Tips and Tricks to Help You Realign Your Sleep Schedule During the Lockdown

By Breanna Robinson

If the feelings of stress or anxiety during these uncertain and difficult times are getting in the way of you sleeping soundly at night, you are not alone. 

According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, it is suggested that we sleep a minimum of seven hours a night for health and overall well-being. When you're not getting the seven hours on a regular basis, you could develop adverse health issues such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension to name a few. 

How do you get a great night's sleep when you're concerned about the health of your loved ones, your employment status, or when you feel like your life is unstable?

View some of the simple strategies below that can assist you in your quest for quality sleep. If these strategies don't work for you, and you have instances of insomnia several times in the week, you should consult your health care provider to make sure that there aren't any sleep disorders or ailments.

Adopt a Consistent Sleep Routine that Works Well With You


By doing the same thing each night, it allows you to center your mind and body to relax as it creates a conditioned response to put you in slumber. To begin this practice, start at least a half an hour to an hour before you decide to lay down. This can include taking a bath, turning down the lights or turning off the television.

Stay Calm and Minimize Stress


I know this can be hard during these trying times, but it is possible to alleviate stress. You can use anything to help you keep calm by creating a mindfulness practice such as meditation, an exercise routine to get the blood flowing, or talking to a loved one. Talking to a licensed therapist (like those at BetterHelp) can also help you stay calm and minimize stress. Managing your stress will help you have a better sleep.

Shut off Your Electronics


With the daily updates of COVID-19, we can't help but want to stay up-to-date on how this is progressing. However, our phones, televisions, or computers, the blue light screen on these items interrupts our melatonin production — the hormone that is connected to sleep. The mental stimulation that comes with watching the news is counterproductive to the peace you need to properly sleep. I suggest reading or doing something creative such as scrapbooking

Make your Room as Cool and Comfortable as Possible


Our circadian rhythms are significantly triggered by bright lights or the lack of it. So, you must ensure that your bedroom is as dark as possible. If that is not easy, invest in a little night light, or use eye masks to keep the light out. Also, we sleep better when our bedrooms are cool, so keep the temperature to room temperature or another temperature of your liking. When it comes to the bed itself, you want to make sure that the bed and pillows are very comfortable. Invest in quality sheets, a mattress, and pillows so you wake up ready to take on the day.

Minimize your Caffeine Intake


If you are struggling to fall asleep, then you may be consuming too much caffeine throughout the day, or consuming it at a time that can disrupt your sleep. A solution that can help with this is not drinking caffeine past noon. Believe me, I know that this is hard because I would drink coffee as if it would never be available again, but caffeine is a stimulant. Other things to help you stay awake I realized are drinking a glass of lemon water (if you're dehydrated that can also make us sleepy) moving around, or drinking some really good herbal teas such as ginger or mint medley for that natural boost.

Sit Back and Chill


If your mind is still racing after these steps, don’t worry. Do whatever will work for your body to feel more at ease. Whether it is a  could be a cup of tea, a good book, or diffusing lavender essential oil, these are all comforting things that can help you overtime get the proper sleep that is needed for healthy relationships with people, success on the job and overall healthy relationships with people around you no matter what obstacles life throws at you.

Thumbnail image via Clip Dealer

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