May 2020 Horoscopes - The Season of the Ex Returns, Babe


Can 2020 take a f*cking pill and chill already? So the good news, the bad news, or the ex news, which do you want first? Basically, the stars above are not giving us a break because all of 2020 is going to be one lesson right after the next. And like, that’s cool and all, but can we at least look hot doing it? Rude.

 First off, the good news. So as mentioned before, the stars above predicted the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic because Pluto and Saturn were hanging out being some shady b*tches. Want more deets on it? Check out our April forecast. With some of our powerhouse planets taking a much-needed beauty nap by mid-May, this means that over the coming months ahead, the pandemic shhhhhhhould be also chilling the f*ck out. Bad news: it’ll be roaring back in Fall and Winter, so like, don’t get used to normal life because technically the way things were, ain’t ever gonna be the exact same way again.

Next on our list of dramz for May 2020: the dreaded (or beloved, depends on how crazy you are) Season of the Ex has returned! You read that right! F*ckbois in the DMs? Yup. Old hoez hitting you with the “How you been?” texts? Def. Nostalgia tugging on your heart for the “one who got away.” Also likely. You see, Venus Retrograde takes place once every 18 months, and our favorite glam diva planet is also taking a nap this month. Venus Retrograde brings forth exes, karmic connections, and people from the past in order to reignite the connection or gain closure once and for all. Although we’re already feeling Venus Retrograde’s pre-drama since mid-April, she officially starts going through Facebook memories on May 13th and will continue to until June 25th. The lingering nostalgia is going to last until the end of July, so like, there’s no way you’re gonna be able to just ignore this one. Good news? You can actually use this time to hollaback at someone you wanna reconnect with (even old BFFs). Bad news? You’re gonna feel annoyed AF, or worse, feeling that heartache open like a fresh wound. Mega important to note: do not get married, start an official relationship, or change your look during this time because ~disastrous~ results will come from it.

Taurus season composes most of May, which we are living for. Taurus season is definitely a great time to focus on making that money and indulging in some self-love, so focus on doing both. However, a Full Moon in Scorpio will grab your attention near May 7th, so prepare for the week surrounding that to be making your sex drive SCREAM. Scorpio is a zodiac sign that is closely tied to our passionate nature, as well as our sexual desires and obsessions. Channel that Goddess energy into your own personal power rather than letting it control you. Remember, you bow to no one, babe.

Gemini Season arrives on the 20th like a breath of fresh air. Communication is favored over the weeks to come, especially when the New Moon in Gemini stirs the pot on the 22nd. You’re going to feel hella social—so even if you’re still social distancing at that point in time—make sure to hit up the group chat or schedule a Zoom session to catch up on all the latest gossip.

 FAB days for success this month are the 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 22, 25. Days for LUV LUV LUV are the 7, 10, 22, 25. Days to chill TF out and not stir the dramz are the 3, 11, 20, 22. Jot ‘em down in a calendar so you can plan! You’ll be happy that you did, babe.

Babe Affirmations for May 2020



Build an abundance of wealth now. If you don’t know your worth, no one else will, babe.



Rise like a firework in the sky. Light up the night so everyone watches you in awe, babe.



Turn within to find the answers now, babe. The voice inside of you is calling.



Find ways to build your crew now, babe. Your friends are the family you choose in life.



Shift your ambitions if they aren’t bringing you the success you want, babe. You deserve to be seen as the royalty that you are.



Open your mind to new ideas and horizons, babe. The world has so much to offer you if you allow yourself to be inspired.



Do not settle for codependency, babe. Know what you bring to every partnership that you are in.



Unite with someone who lifts you up to be better than ever before, babe. Otherwise let them see you walk away.



Your productivity is the key to your success now, babe. Don’t slow down because the world will not wait for you.



Let your heart radiate like a star in the night, babe. Love and romance can be yours if you make time for it in your life.



Be sure that you feel safe and protected in your home, babe. You must be comfortable. If you aren’t, fix it now.



Speak from the heart, babe. Let your voice ring throughout the Heavens.

Thumbnail image via Gala Darling

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, Elite Daily, House Beautiful, Marie Claire, YahooNews, MSN, and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. His writing and horoscopes have been translated into multiple languages. Kyle has been astrologically gifted naturally from a very young age and teaches how to use the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. Currently, he is the official astrologer for @Horoscopes and @Horo.ScopesDaily (4.6 million followers). Kyle received two Bachelor of Arts for Psychology and English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and integrates these degrees into his growing research of psychology, personality, and the human condition.


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