Style Tips To Feel Sexy No Matter Your Size

Powerful people have long tried to set standards for women’s bodies: what they look like, what they can do, and how women should treat them. We’re bombarded with ads and headlines demanding we reduce flab and belly fat. Kim Kardashian went on a crash diet to fit into someone else’s decades-old dress. And the Supreme Court itself is still fighting over what women should and shouldn’t be allowed to do with their bodies. With all that noise and our own internal struggles, it’s no surprise that feeling sexy in our clothes and comfortable in our bodies isn’t always so simple.

The truth of the matter is that feeling sexy starts with being confident in who you are, whatever that may look like for you. After all, some women are naturally thin, some are thick, some have muscles, and some have rolls. What makes you, well, you, is what makes you sexy– regardless of your shape or size.

Here are some of our favorite style tips for feeling sexy no matter your size, so you can feel happy, confident, and totally you wherever you go.

Remember: Clothes Are Meant to Fit You

It’s simple, but it’s the truth– your clothes are meant to fit you, not the other way around. Nothing’s worse than trying on clothes that pinch or pull, and doing so can lead to the idea that there’s something wrong with your body when really, something’s wrong with the clothes you’re wearing.


If you find some of your favorite looks don’t fit you anymore, don’t just throw them back in your closet thinking, “they’ll fit again after just one more crash diet or a few more trips to the gym”. Try not to focus on what you don’t have, and instead, focus on what you do! Donate items that don’t fit anymore, and go shopping with your girlfriends to find something that will make you feel sexy, confident, and unique.

Choose Clothes That Make You Feel Confident


If you’re looking for new outfits to make you feel sexy no matter your size, it’s important to choose clothes that will make you feel confident. If you feel your best in a tight mini dress or sexy little bikini, wear it! If you feel better in a power romper or one-piece swimsuit, go for it. You don’t need to follow anyone else’s rules when it comes to what makes you feel sexy and comfortable. If you like it, you like it— that’s all there is to it.

If you aren’t sure what outfits will make you feel most confident or if you’re just having a bad body image day, think about comfort first. Can you move around in your outfit? Will you be able to spend the day in it? Step back from what the piece looks like, and consider how the outfit makes you feel. Confidence will come when you discover the peace that follows feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Avoid Triggers That Put You Down


Does scrolling through your Instagram make you feel lesser-than, or does browsing a store that carries very limited sizing make you feel like something’s just not right with your body? Avoid unnecessary triggers to feel sexy and confident regardless of what you look like. There’s no need to trigger a shame spiral over something that can be avoided– and if that means clicking ‘unfollow’, or finding a new store to shop in, there’s no better time than now to do it.

There are plenty of tips and tricks to avoid body image triggers when getting dressed or trying on a new outfit. For example, if you don’t like trying on clothes in harsh fitting room lighting, just don’t! Order online or try on your clothes at home and take advantage of solid return policies. If you don’t like seeing photos of yourself at a different size, delete those pics and don’t look back.

It can be tempting to put yourself in triggering situations, especially if you feel pressured to be the change you need for yourself. But it’s important to remember that it’s not the things we have or wear that make us confident, sexy, and happy– it’s ourselves. Aim to feel positive, love yourself for who you are, and the rest will fall right into place.

Look to Style Icons That Mirror Your Values

It can be easy to look to other women to boost our confidence. We’re naturally built to compare, and social media, advertising, and celebrity influencers don’t exactly help us to stop. But what if we work to change our approach? Instead of filling our minds with what we could (and probably won’t) look like, we can choose to consciously consume media that makes us feel better about ourselves. Instead of following stars that represent unrealistic body standards, we can look toward models and influencers that are changing the game by showing off realistic styles made for our unique body type.

Seek out diverse content online, and fill your mind with posts, images, and content that you feel good about consuming, from people you feel good about supporting. There are a whole lot of shapes and sizes in the world– so why would you waste your time looking at anything that makes you feel anything less than your best? Take inspiration from new style icons, influencers, and stores that depict realistic standards of beauty– whatever that means for you.

The Takeaway

The truth is that all of us have bad days– times when we don’t feel as confident in our own skin or just can’t seem to muster up self-love for who we are and what we stand for. When we feel like this, it’s important to remember that that’s okay, and all part of the journey.

Don’t put yourself down for not feeling like a #girlboss all the time. Just do the next right thing– whether that’s buying clothes that fit your body best, working to feel better in the clothes that you already wear, or reducing body-shaming triggers along the way. We are women, and we are powerful– and your power starts with the confidence to truly be you, whatever that might look like.


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