Selfcare Must Haves To Be In Tune With Your Highest Self
Ask yourself this question — do you wake up each day and go down a “to do” list, or cross off all your daily obligations? Or, do you wake up, take a few moments to start your day with gratitude, state your intention for the day, and do all that serves your highest self?
Your highest self is a basic premise that describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self. Your Higher Self is the real you, the soul consciousness that is so, so much more than the physical form you know so well. Your Higher Self is the you that is unlimited and eternal. It’s the part of you that excites you with inspiration, guides you with intuition and teaches you through insight.
In this world, we are programmed to always be on a “go go go” routine. It’s a mindset that stamps your self worth or validation dependent on how much you do on the daily, who knows you, and how much you accomplish. The problem with all those components is that it takes YOU out of yourself. When is it just about YOU? Shouldn’t it be a top priority daily to get in tune with the depths of who we are? You would think it would be a norm as this would decrease so many soul blockages, mental illnesses, and depression across the globe.
We need to break free from the programming in order to connect with our highest selves. Connecting with our highest selves daily would change every aspect of our minds and souls. We would be the absolute best versions of ourselves. Just imagine if everyone made this a daily priority. It’d be a beautiful world!
Connecting with our highest selves can be done through meditation, setting solid intentions at the start of your day, use of spiritual/ energy infusing tools like crystals, sound bowls, pyramids, journals, etc. If you incorporate all of this into your daily life, you will become the absolute best version of yourself, and detox from all you were made to believe. Instead you’ll be a completely joyful, peaceful, happy soul who only resonates with truth. Your soul will be aligned, and you’ll gain clarity for all your life situations through grounding.
Let’s get you started on this new journey towards your highest self! Check out our picks for the best tools to help you achieve mental and spiritual greatness.
Me-est Me Journal
Crown Chakra Bracelet Set
Crown Chakra Bracelet Set, $58
Place your cosmic crown on top of your head and prepare to leap higher with this deeply connected and highly spiritual crystal bracelet set. For those who are ready to personally assume responsibility for aligning their flow and clearing out negative energy, the crown chakra is waiting for a little TLC. When our crown chakra is blocked we can slump into depression and feel disconnected with our purpose here on earth. By welcoming the shimmering energy of crystals as part of a holistic approach to healing, it’s time to turn your spiritual dial up a notch and soar to the stars.
Amethyst is one of the best stones for crown chakra healing. The lavender hues soothe the mind and clear space for your inner thoughts to fall into alignment. Amethyst is all about cracking open your crown chakra and connecting you with all the energy of the cosmos.
Charoite is all violent rays and rich vibrations. This stone serves to open the gateways of your crown chakra so you easily reach the realms of the extended universe. Along with nurturing prisms of light within your soul, it also grounds excess energy so you don’t get burnt out.
Lepidolite is a stone of transition, ever ready to assist you in making those magical changes in life. One of the greatest changes is prepping for a spiritual awakening, and as a crown chakra connector, Lepidolite takes you into the future, clearing the path for your greatest self to shine.
Selenite is all heavenly high vibrations. This dreamy crystal is angel-like in color and charm and is adept at keeping your aura cleansed. From the Greek word for moon, Selenite softly illuminates the way to spiritual wonder.
Meditation Pyramid
Rose Gold Meditation Pyramid, $114
Meditation with a pyramid brings you peace of mind and body. Meditate with a pyramid aids relaxation while increasing psychic energy or prana or mana or prime energy. There are many forms of meditation and the pyramid seems to enhance them all. Even reading can be a a form of meditation, as it increase the ability to concentrate while studying under a pyramid. The ability to concentrate is a prime factor in deeper forms of meditation. What the pyramid will do is to help overcome any blocks you might have toward the realization of your innate abilities. It does this by increasing the amount of energy you have available. If you are into kundalini yoga or seeking inspiration , then you would want to take full advantage of concentration.
Tuning Forks
Tuning forks are a powerful tool for restoring chakra alignment. Placing a suitably tuned vibrating fork's handle on a chakra initiates sound frequencies that stimulate the body to adjust its frequencies and return to alignment. The vibrations recharge and rebalance the electromagnetic field of the body, and re-establish the flow of Chi. This phenomenon is similar to striking a tone from a musical tuning fork, which will make nearby tuning forks vibrate in harmony to the sound waves it emits.
Clear Quartz Wand
Clear Quartz Crystals have very high vibrations. They strongly resonate within the eighth chakra bearing its white color. It also resonate within all the chakras especially the higher chakras. The mind and heart become more open to higher guidance and will assist the higher chakras to emit white light and aid you to reach the higher spiritual realms more easily. Clear Quartz produces a field of healing negative ions while removing positive ions to protect the aura.
Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl
Chakra 7 inch Crystal Singing Bowl, $89
Crystal singing bowls are used with yoga, sound healing, crystal cleansing, space clearing and to signify the beginning and end of meditation.
Running the mallet around the bowl with slight pressure will create the tone. When this happens, the bowl is said to sing, hence its name. They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of diseased and out-of-harmony parts of the body, mind and soul.
Studies have shown that sound has a direct impact on the mental processes, muscles, nervous system, heartbeat, pulse, digestive system and circulatory system.
Alignment with the tones of the Crystal Bowls is one of the most dynamic forms of sound healing found today.