Secrets Revealed:How to Stay Motivated to Work Out in the Winter
By Reilly Sakai
Getting yourself to the gym is not always an easy task, especially when it’s freezing outside, the sun sets early, and you can barely muster the strength to leave your bed! In the dead of winter, your muscles contract from the cold and the last thing you want to do is go out for a jog or make it to your weekly yoga class.
It doesn’t have to be that way, though! By switching up your routine in the cold months, or simply finding ways to motivate yourself, you can stay fit in the winter and keep up with those New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips and tricks to help you along the way!
Bring a friend along
By going to the gym or attending classes with a friend, you’ll both be able to keep each other motivated. I used to work out with my coworker after work every Monday and we’d tell each other we didn’t want to go all day long, but we’d push ourselves to do it anyway. We would spend the walk to our barre class complaining about work or the freezing temperatures and then be able to let off steam (aka sweat) in class, making it a much healthier alternative to venting over drinks at a bar!
Choose a fun and exciting new class to try
via Venice Toyota
Have you ever wanted to take up a hip-hop dance class? Or maybe boxing? Find a class that is completely new to you, which will make you excited to go! Going to the gym can be daunting and monotonous, making you dread it. Instead, switch things up by seeing what other options are out there. I’ve seen classes like aerial yoga, trampoline classes, pole dancing, and even hula hooping. The options are endless and are sure to motivate you to get to class!
Buy a cute new gym outfit
I know whenever I buy new clothes, I can’t wait to be able to wear them somewhere. The same holds true for workout wear! Last year, I bought myself a couple new pairs of leggings and all of a sudden, I couldn’t wait to go to class so I would have an excuse to rock my new gear! Pick out something cute that suits your style and then flaunt your new ‘fit!
Set goals and make a plan
Knowing that I’m working towards something always helps keep me on track. Do you want to be bikini ready for your trip to Mexico in the Summer? Do you want to lose 10 pounds? Maybe you just want to be healthier in general. Set goals for yourself and create a workout schedule or to-do list. Any time you’re dreading working out, remember what you’re working towards and visualize how great you’re going to feel once you meet your target weight or finally fit into those jeans! If you're having trouble staying on track and meeting your goals, a licensed therapist can help you. Click here for more information on how therapy can help you develop and maintain the motivation needed to reach your goals.
Reward yourself for your hard work
Remember when you were a kid and your parents would bribe you to go to soccer practice with a trip to the ice cream store after? I’m here to tell you that these kinds of bribes will always work! Maybe don’t choose ice cream right after working out (not to say I haven’t ever done this…), but promising yourself something nice after a gym session is a great motivator. Maybe you promise yourself a massage after a full month of following your workout regimen, or maybe you tell yourself you can’t watch the new episode of your favorite TV show until you go to pilates!
Move your workout indoors
I’ve recently started doing yoga in the comfort of my own home and I highly recommend it! I am by no means a seasoned yogi, but thankfully, there are tons of yoga videos out there. I use Amazon’s streaming service, which has tons of different workout videos that you can follow along to, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Don’t worry about having to bundle up and trek to the gym, just set yourself up in your living room and have your own workout whenever you’d like!
I hope these tips help you out this winter season! I know it’s a struggle to make it through the cold, let alone make it to the gym in the cold, but with a little motivation, you’ll come out with the Spring bod you’ve been dreaming of.
cover image via Baby G Lifestyles