Real Talk: Why Are We So Vulnerable To Instagram?

This past year, I got really intrigued with psychology, and it helped me survey present day societal social media habits. Ironically enough, I have also noticed popular influencers take a step back this year, and in a sense lay low from the never ending hustle that is social media, especially Instagram. Perhaps it was the madness of Mercury Retrograde this year. But, 2019 was a year where many came into points of realizations, broke away from millennial norms, and instead self reflected, only to realize that the life they presented on Instagram is pointless fakery.

via TodayFM

As I became more of an outsider looking in this past year, I noticed how people will go to any lengths to capture the “perfect” IG picture. I’ve even seen people who are six feet into a sea of debt, charge lavish trips to exotic or luxurious locations, only to get that envy worthy travel content on their IG stories. I asked one of the people who are guilty of this, "why go to that extreme?”. They responded, “I’m an influencer, and I have to keep the followers I do have coming back for more, and engage new people into becoming followers”. But, still I was left questioning, why, and for what. Are people living for Instagram standards, as opposed to living for themselves?

In April of this year, I attended BeautyCon NYC. It was my first time at this event, and as a makeup and skincare lover, I expected to explore the most life changing cosmetics. Instead, what I got more of was an Instagram selfie, picture, and story circus. When, I went in I saw people completely decked out. And listen, I am ALL for getting glam-ed out, but some of these people took it to a halloween costume level. Basically, making it quite obvious that they were just trying too hard. The thirst for instagram validation at this event was real AF. The brands that were there all had “insta-worthy” spots for pictures, and the lines for that were 100 times longer for that, than to talk to brand ambassadors, try on products, and grab free samples.

I personally, was turned off by this. I get it, some people make a living these days solely from Instagram, but at the cost of losing yourself? At the cost, of working so hard to meet a certain “persona” or brand, that in time, you forget who you truly are?

One has to ask, why is it so easy for so many to give into this IG world. Is it that no one knows how to just exist without having to constantly prove themselves to an audience on a social media platform? Is it that parents and schools aren’t teaching kids about self love, self esteem, self respect, the beauty of individuality? Is it that the vast amount of technology these days, has caused so many to drown in a pit of insecurity, and their only life vest, is conforming to a stereotype or character on Instagram?

Recently, popular beauty vlogger, Kathleen Lights posted a video on all of this, and I am so glad she did. Because, popular influencers like her are looked up to by so many young girls. And, her taking a step back from the makeup world to get really honest, raw, and real is what young girls truly need today, and always. If not, I’m afraid that this black hole of self validation hunger is going to eventually gulp self identity away.

Let’s all collectively start posting more realness on Instagram, and create a new meaning to “IG worthy”. Let’s make “IG Worthy” be about honesty, kindness, and selflessness. Adopting this social media strategy can lead to more self love in the world, as opposed to depression, and constant self criticism.

cover image via Refinery 29


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