It's Almost 2020, And Fast Fashion Isn't Going Anywhere...Here's Why....
Heading into a new decade is always exciting, but let’s slow our roll for one second. Just because we’re headed into the future, doesn’t mean our past problems just magically stay there. And we got some shit to deal with.
Fast fashion has been the hot topic for this decade, especially in the last half. Fashion bloggers are pushing for others to think about where their clothes are coming from, and where they’re going. To speak with your money and buy clothing that is ethically sourced, and will stay in your closet for a hot second.
via Trusted Clothes
Yeah, so here’s the thing. Those same fashion bloggers are getting gifted clothing for brand deals. And also, the clothes they get are usually cute AF and on trend. Clothing trends now have a quick turnaround, so they come and go in the blink of an eye. To stay on top of it all, you’ll probably buy a single piece at Foreve21 that costs five bucks instead of the ethically sourced equivalent for ten times the price.
via Youtube
But if we ignore following trends for just a moment, building an ethical wardrobe is also expensive. Getting clothes that will last you well into the next decade means they have to be made well. That means higher cost. For example, you can go to Aldo and buy some boots for 30 bucks. But you want some boots that will last? Get some leather boots and the cheapest will probably be $150. Not everyone can shell out money for long-lasting wardrobes, especially all at once.
via 20 Min
It sucks. We see the problems we have created with fast fashion, but there is no fast or easy way to fix it. So, babes, in 2020 try to resist the urge to impulse buy at Forever21, look up where your clothing is coming from, and hell, maybe even learn to sew your own skirt. They’re small things, but if everyone tries, it can make an impact. And if we don’t at least try, then fast fashion won’t be going anywhere.
cover image via Sourcing Journal