No, You Don’t Have to Share Your Personal Life On Social Media
By Iris Stigell
Living in the day and age of social media, AI, cell phones, computers, ipads, iphones, and screens essentially anywhere we go, can feel very overwhelming, suffocating, and sometimes invading. We might stop and question; am I ever sharing too much?
The irony of today’s lack of privacy and indifference to ‘mind your own business’ is that technology, be it cell phones, computers, or television used to be considered a luxury. These things were something that every kid was so excited to get their hands on, eagerly waiting for the school day to end so that they could come home and watch their favorite cartoon, or play their favorite Mario level. But now, it’s as if stepping away from screens, and being given a break from all that social media represents: popularity, acceptance, and relevance, has become the new ultimate luxury.
Unlike the app itself, we can’t just logout and be rid of these feelings of not being enough, or feeling less than. These compulsive needs seem to follow us into our daily lives, to a point where we lose the understanding of privacy, and what it means to keep a healthy distance between your actual life and your screen.