Meghan Markle is Under Attack: Why Tabloids Picked The Wrong One To Mess With...

One of our very own, all American girl, bagged a prince! It's the real life story of Princess Diaries; just a really down chick learning how to be a royal. I'm obsessed and can't tell you how proud I am of Meghan Markle. She’s really holding it down as Duchess of Sussex. Let's go through her royal to-do list, shall we? Number one, provide a male heir to continue the legacy...check. Number two, direct and coordinate multiple charities and nonprofits that strengthen the image of the United Kingdom...check and check. Number three, uphold an exquisite air as a royal with no arising scandals or events that can besmirch the royal name… all check marks screech here. But to no fault of Markle, from what I can tell the tabloids are gunning for a story (what else is new) but it seems as though Tabloids are turning this Mona Lisa like energy Meghan gives off into a chopped and screwed ransom note asking for her head. You can't say she's not great at being a royal; so why is the tabby gang taking shots at Meghan?

I'm going to keep 100 with you all right here and now; its because she added a little brown sugar to the morning spot of tea and they weren't ready for it. Now, this is not all about race, however, to speak freely it may have something to do with the exploitation of Meghan. But let's also include where she was raised, home sweet home for her was America where the women are conservative by choice not by royal duty. We can be slumming it in leggings with a baseball cap one second or flip into a number from J.crew looking prim and proper, that's just how we roll. 

I used outfits as an example to address a very deep internal battle that is being challenged. It's the acceptance of modern times in a traditional setting. Meghan is the definition of the modern-day woman. If you put that new cog into the Big Ben that's been running for ages, the fear that everything will be thrown off is understandable. But there's no need to fear what is new or what is not common to see like an interracial royal family for instance. Speaking directly to the tabloids, change is here and she looks damn good. 

cover image via Asia One


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