Here's Why Trump Won't Get Impeached, and Will Stay In Office....

I know a majority of us heard the angels sing when the word impeachment was next to the name Trump. Oh, we were trying to get him kicked out before his derby shoes slid across the double doors of the oval office. At least I know I was, I signed a petition literally the next day. So imagine my glee when the Impeachment inquiry was officially announced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on September 24th. I heard about it on NPR radio and I remember muttering under my breath “finally.” Who knew after pussy grabs, Russian assistance, and degrading of ethnicities it would be a phone call to Ukraine that gets the impeachment train in high gear. But as I sat in traffic and thought long and hard about our judicial system, my excitement faded. I know with all the red tape that this will be covered in, Donald will continue to do the electric slide across the white house rugs. As a disclaimer, I am not associated with any particular party. If Trump was good for the country I would have nothing to say, he could carry on making America great. But his behavior towards women and actions against the environment has me ruffled.

Nancy Pelosi via NBC News

Nancy Pelosi via NBC News

Let's look at the fine print. 

This is an impeachment inquiry. Emphasis on inquiry, Donald hit Ukraine's hotline demanding tea on his opponent, I say demanding because alleged resources would have been held if Ukraine didn't spill it. Congress finally scratched their heads and said, that seems like an abuse of power maybe this person is not fit to be president; let's look into that a little deeper. So they are finally “ looking into it”- It being what the people have been screaming and painting murals of; to get trump out. Like yesterday. 

Say results come back conclusive and he’s impeached… 

We can all break out in a choreographed and unified happy dance right? Wrong. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Even if Trump puts down his last trump card and gets impeached, that does not mean he's out of office. I felt tricked when I researched this; why have I been on a soapbox screaming for impeachment if that's not actually going to impeach shit. ( excuse my potty mouth) I'm just so p.o. about what it takes to get this guy out of office. Say we get through the red tape of the impeachment inquiry and the actual impeachment goes through. The house votes all-inclusive trump has struck out. For office removal, there's a whole other process that senate holds in court. Just one thing after another with these checks and balances.

The bright side

So I wave my white flag. It will be what it will be, but the silver lining is Trump as president will always be associated with the close encounters of impeachment. Rather it happens or not his name has now been officially besmirched with the inquiry of getting the boot and that does the heart good.

Cover image via ABC Net


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