Today's Food Labels: Telling Us What We Want to Hear, Feeding Us What We Don't
Has anyone noticed the ads posted in several fast food joints celebrating their use of 100% real meat? Did anyone find that a tad bit troubling? it raises the very obvious question, what was being served before? In a polarized state of events, everyone and their dog are going vegan. This generation only wants foods that are whole, organic, or gluten free. In any business, you have to meet the demands of the consumers. Big food corporations are creating their food labels around our fears to obesity and disease. There’s no sugar coding the vanity of our eating choices; these provision power houses are using trigger words and word play to dance around how the product was made, and what amount of nutritional value it actually has.
via Slate
The Big food mob consists of Nestle, Pepsico, Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kelloggs, and several more. They hold the most influence and they are aware of their contribution to transforming the dietary pattern on a global scale. A good publicist would call what the big food gang has done is nutritional engineering, The most commonly known are “ Good source Calcium” or “Reduced / low” but majority of the labels are loosely regulated. Some words like “Natural” are really difficult measurement; currently there is no official definition from FDA. Naturally, similar trigger words without words. Subsequently after examining the labels, there was some hidden facts within the wording. For example, there is a difference between “organic “ and “ made with organic ingredients” just a slight change in words looking to go unseen.
Due to the high demand of health prioritized into the buyers choice , Food companies are creating “health conscious” labels as an antidote to disease. In reality the FDA or the Godfather of the big food mafia has not curated a definition to demystify the saturated health jargon. Don't be fooled by the “ new and improved” nuances, be weary of the nutrient content claims.
cover image via Agri Pulse