Flu Shot: Pharma Money Maker or Life Saver?
Sneezing, wheezing, and coughing, Oh my! Its flu season, and getting vaccinated is all you ever hear about. There are ads at the local pharmacy, they cycle the vaccine commercials on the radio every five minutes, everywhere you turn it seems that vaccines are on trend, and everyone is getting it. Out of pure instinct (and laziness), I never go to get the shot. The phrase I base my decision to never get vaccinated is “ If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” Also, being a bit more conscious of what I put in my body I wondered what exactly is a vaccine. The information uncovered shocked me and I'm glad I relied on my gut to refrain from being held at needlepoint.
A vaccine is like taking your immune system through a virus boot camp. Physicians created an imitation strain of a virus and circulate it through your body. Its suppose to prepare your immune system for the real baddies that come looking to give you a runny nose; your body will already produce the antibodies to fight off the bad bacteria mob. But vaccines are like hotdogs, you should never ask what it's in its casing. The shot consists of having Animal tissues such as rabbit brain, horse blood, and pig blood. It sounds like a witches brew, which was so last season.
via Global Research
Not get into heavy metal, but vaccines also contain traces of Aluminum and mercury. If that isn't enough of a headbanger, the cases of side effects including fatality are extremely under-reported. One might say they are trying to hide the experiments that have gone wrong. Vaccination is a paradoxical solution to a simple problem. The marketing behind vaccines focuses on preventative care and strengthening your body against foreign substances, but how is injecting rabbit brain ever the answer? Let's just say vaccinations are not vegan.
An all natural “flu shot” you can make and drink right at home. Via Just A Pinch Recipes.
There are alternatives to vaccines, because once upon a time we didn't use horse blood to fight viruses; it’s to stay on top of your health. The old fashion way is very anticlimactic but by simply helping out your body with taking vitamin supplements and drinking kombucha once a while, you will restore natural order in your body. That would be a little less hectic than allowing foreign substances in your body. These shots are like firefighters showing up to a fire, with more fire. Vaccines are not the only answer to preventative care. There are holistic approaches to get through flu season. My gut has yet to lead me to get any shots, and with the new information that has surfaced, I am staying clear from any needles with the supposed solution to my sniffles.
cover image via Today