Dispelling the Taboo Surrounding CBD
As the CBD boom continues to gain traction in everything from daily supplements and chocolates, to skin salves and beauty products, there’s still a lot of mysticism and taboo surrounding the compound. Cannabis is condemned as a gateway drug that is commonly associated with laziness, munchies, and general debauchery. However, the hype around the legalization of CBD isn’t just due to the fact that a drug has become legal stateside, there is actually a lot of scientific evidence that CBD (and other drugs, for that matter) can have really positive health benefits.
What is CBD?
via Magnetic Mag
People often closely correlate CBD to marijuana, but the main active ingredient in the popular drug is actually THC. CBD is found in the flower of the cannabis plant and is a safe, non-addictive substance currently being tested by scientists all over the world for its health benefits.
THC, on the other hand, is the other compound in cannabis and is what causes the high that marijuana is known for. CBD won’t make you feel intoxicated and can actually lessen the effects of THC, so if you’ve smoked or ingested too much marijuana, you can take a little extra CBD to neutralize the high almost immediately.
What’s the Potential?
While studies are still underway, the beneficial effects of CBD are already extremely promising. The compound can relieve pain, anxiety, inflammation, depression, to name a few. There is also research taking place right now into the potential of CBD to treat autoimmune diseases, neurological conditions, gut disorders, cardiovascular dysfunction, and skin diseases. It’s even being tested for anti-cancer properties and, according to a 2010 brain cancer study by California scientists, CBD “enhances the inhibitory effects of THC on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival” meaning that when combined with THC, the two compounds might be a very potent anti-cancer substance. (Source: Project CBD)
While there is still a ton of research that needs to take place before any conclusions can be drawn, CBD has an amazing amount of potential in treating a huge range of maladies and is not to be underestimated. Many people already swearing by its ability to decrease anxiety and increase productivity, making it a favorite addition to a morning routine or a go-to afternoon pick-me-up.
CBD Products
You can find CBD in pretty much any form imaginable, from gummies to lip balm. Is a lip balm going to help you reduce anxiety and fight cancer? Most likely not. Since its legalization, CBD has taken off and most of the products available on the market today are unregulated. So while there are tons of benefits already linked to CBD, it’s important to remember that more conclusive studies must take place and unless you get a prescription from your doctor, you’re most likely using an unregulated substance. If it’s your first time trying a CBD product, make sure you know how much is in one serving and be sure to observe any effects it has on you. And while many people swear by giving CBD to their pets, please wait until more research is done on CBD and animals, especially when it comes to long-term effects.
Hopefully with more information, some of the stigma surrounding CBD has gone away and you can enjoy the health benefits of this amazing compound (responsibly, of course!). So try out that lip balm, grab yourself a CBD lemonade, and let us know what you think!
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