Behind the Lens: Meghan Markle Unleashes Her Emotional Struggle As A New Royal Mother In Rare Documentary

It hasn’t been a secret that Duchess Meghan Markle of Sussex has been scrutinized in the public since her romance with Prince Harry started over two years ago. As a former American actress, she has faced countless episodes of negative press. So much so that earlier in the month, the Duke of Sussex issued a moving statement on the situation defending his wife.

"My wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences–a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our newborn son…," said the statement on Sussex Official UK. (how sweet to stick up for your wife!)

Even though the couple has taken legal action against several British news outlets, the new royal mom has opened up about how she’s doing.

For the upcoming documentary, Harry and Meghan: An African Journey, that aired on Good Morning America  ITV News', journalist Tom Bradby asked Markle about how the public has affected her physical and mental wellbeing as of late.

"Look any woman, especially when they're pregnant, you're really vulnerable, and so that was made it really challenging and then when you have a newborn … it's really, it's a lot…”

 Motherhood as beautiful as it is, comes with challenges. However,  society's expectation that new moms should cater to the needs of others outside of their children is quite cruel and can take a toll on women’s self-confidence and feelings of not being good enough.

The documentary airs this Wednesday , Oct.23rd on ABC at 10 p.m. ET.

cover image via Hollywood Reporter


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