Astrology With Andy: Birth/Relationship Chart Readings For Success, What is 2020, and What's Coming in 2021...

By Charlene Lazewski

2020 has been one hell of a ride. A ride I’d say all of us want to get off from. We can only hope that 2021 will be completely different, and give us the break we all deserve and need. But, will it…?

Thanks to the massive amount of alone time I got during the heart of quarantine back in March and April, I started asking and wondering about things on a deep AF level. Not to sound corny, but it was as if a veil was lifted. I was seeing things differently, analyzing things I would have never thought to analyze, getting a plethora of epiphanies every week, and overall I just felt awake in all aspects of myself, and the world.

As a result of all of this awakening, I started connecting with like minded people, groups, publications, and movements. It was a season of enlightenment and discovery to say the very least.

One of the individuals I came to know via a podcast I listen to, was Andy Bellatti. During the period in quarantine that I had heard Andy speak, was a time when literally everything in media was doom and gloom. I was so sick of it. I was already living a shitty situation with COVID restrictions caging us all up in our homes. I didn’t need to feel shittier by turning on the news. In the podcast episode, Andy read America’s birth chart - July, 4, 1776. I was immediately sucked into everything he had to say. I never really knew what a birth chart was. And the fact that he read America’s birth chart during the peak of frustration and confusion amongst all people in this nation, was exactly what I needed at that time. It allowed me to understand the country’s depth, its direction, its intention, and where it’s headed. And none of it was done so in a ‘doom and gloom’ manner, which is why I was so fulfilled with all that Andy had to say. His explanations were phenomenal, and I truly felt like it was a missing puzzle piece suddenly found.

Andy Bellatti, via Astrology By Andy

Andy Bellatti, via Astrology By Andy


Andy is an astrologer who specializes in birth chart readings, as well as relationship readings. Our roads of life can get quite messy at times, and sometimes we need a GPS to give us a little help with navigation towards the right decisions, and other life moves. And, with 2020 still throwing hardballs at us, and the uncertainty of 2021, I think now is the best time ever to discover yourself, and everything around you on a deep level. That way, we can peel off the right layers, so we can become our best selves for a better world.

Check out the interview I did with Andy below! He talks birth charts, relationship charts, 2020, 2021, and more!


(To learn more about Astrology with Andy, or book some sessions, click here.)

Tell us about yourself. What should people know about you and your astrology background? What sets you apart from the rest?

My interest in astrology was first sparked when I was six years old and I learned I was a "Gemini". 

Then, at 14, my parents gifted me an astrology reading with a professional astrology for my birthday. That was my first experience with what I call "real astrology" -- a person's entire astrological chart. 

A few years later, my interest in astrology increased and I immersed myself in the subject. As the years went on, I made contact with astrologers who served as mentors as I kept learning everything I could. I then began to put the theories into practice in 2002 by reading the charts of friends, coworkers, and family. This led to referrals, and I increasingly did more and more readings.

After almost two decades of providing astrological readings as a hobby – and at the suggestion of many of my clients – I decided the time had come to share my astrological knowledge and expertise more formally, which led to the launch of Astrology with Andy in 2019.

I view astrology as a tool that provides self-insight, a better understanding of our potential, and an objective view of the landscape ahead so we can make empowered and informed choices that enrich our journey.

My “free will” approach to astrology simultaneously acknowledges astrological cycles and personal responsibility for the actions that we take. I stongly believe astrology is meant to enhance our self-awareness so we can become our best selves — not justify unhealthy behavior or serve as an excuse for self-victimization.

How significant is it to have your birth chart read? How will it help guide or navigate people when it comes to overall life or important decisions?

A birth chart (the “101” reading that every new client starts with) is your astrological blueprint. No two charts are alike. Your birth chart details:

  • Character strengths and innate talents;

  • Emotional blind spots – and how to address them;

  • Lessons you are meant to learn and integrate in this lifetime to feel fulfilled;

  • How to thrive and unlock your potential.

Simply put, your birth chart is a map I decipher.

Think of me as your cosmic GPS, notifying you of the quickest route to your destination and what to keep in mind on your journey.

Just like your car’s GPS doesn’t drive for you, I can’t live your life for you. I’m happy to show you what your journey’s landscape looks like and suggest certain paths over others, but you ultimately choose what direction you want to take.

All of our journeys involve the full spectrum of human emotions.

The point of astrology is not to avoid the complexities of life; rather, it is meant to help you navigate all facets of life by reminding you of your purpose and helping you understand the “whys” behind your experiences.

How do you see the rest of 2020? Will 2021 be a messy roller coaster, or will we get the break we all so much deserve?

The current global situation can be traced back to the January 20, 2020 conjunction (meeting) of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.

Although the conjunction was exact on January 20 (that was the date when Saturn and Pluto were literally on top of each other), the buildup to that aspect started in November. Astrological aspects operate on a bell curve. The date of the actual aspect is the peak of the bell curve; the energy slowly intensifies during the buildup phase and slowly decreases during the decline phase.

I don’t do “doom and gloom astrology”; foundational collapse was not meant to invoke fear. It was simply a literal translation of the aspect. Saturn is about foundations; Pluto is about collapse. When these two planets meet in a conjunction (as they do roughly every 38 years), that’s the order of the day.

Establish paradigms and foundations (Saturn) collapse (Pluto). The status quo (Saturn) is transformed (Pluto). Subconscious (Pluto) fears (Saturn) surface (Pluto) and must be addressed (Saturn).

Astrology reminds us to maintain perspective. Throughout human history, Saturn and Pluto have interacted with each other hundreds of times. And life has continued. Uncertain times can undoubtedly be challenging, stressful, and emotionally taxing. But, nothing is the “end of the world”.

As far as 2021: as I always say, the planets don't care about our social constructs of time. In other words, they don't decide to bring a change just because our calendar shifts to a new year. 

With that said, there are several astrological aspects taking place between November 30, 2020 and January 2, 2021 that point to pretty significant changes:

* We will only have one planet retrograding (the optical illusion that makes a planet appear to move backwards) by December 1. At one point in September, we had six planets retrograding!

*A lunar eclipse on November 30 (eclipses bring change)

* A solar eclipse on December 14

* Saturn changes signs and moves into Aquarius (it was last here 29 years ago)

* Jupiter changes signs and moves into Aquarius (it was last here 12 years ago)

* Jupiter and Saturn will meet at 0 degrees of Aquarius (a very important degree) on December 21, 2020

With all that said, the next four years are a bridge to what will be the start of a new era when Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2024. Where we end up in 2024 depends on the bridge we collectively build between now and then.

Have there been any instances where you have saved clients' lives thanks to  the guidance they received from birth chart readings you provided them with?

I think that "saving lives" is an overstatement, but countless clients have expressed gratitude for a birth chart reading because it provided them with clarity and insight. They felt validated, acknowledged, and seen. And, in many cases, clients who were going through a difficult time and seeing their life through a cloudy filter have thanked me for letting them know they were simply going through an "awkward phase" they had to navigate (rather than a new bleak reality).

Do you specialize in birth chart readings, or are there other areas you also specialize in?

My specialities are:

* Individual birth chart readings

* Relationship astrology

* Electional astrology (finding the best date and time for an important event, like a business launch)

Relationship charts – which can be drawn up for platonic, business, familial, and romantic relationships – tell us a few things: 

  • What the two people involved bring out in each other; 

  • What the two people involved are meant to learn from each other;

  • What the two people involved are meant to learn from the relationship as a whole;

  • How to best navigate challenges and blind spots.

The purpose of a relationship reading is to learn more about the relationship and your role within it. It is not about learning how to manipulate or control someone else. 

Requesting a “relationship chart reading” for someone you are attracted to but not in a relationship with (in hopes of learning how to “get them”) is not the purpose of this reading. 

I also do not recommend doing a relationship chart reading for a romantic relationship until the relationship has been established for at least one year.

Here’s why: I believe relationships should evolve organically. When someone gets a relationship reading a month or two after meeting someone, it can be very easy to let the information they gleaned from the reading interfere with the normal progression of the relationship.

What is your biggest goal as an astrologer?

To make astrology relatable and practical. Astrology should not run your life; it should enhance your life.

What advice would you give to all people, given the chaotic circumstances of 2020? Can we do anything to guarantee safety, protection, or to transition peacefully into 2021?

Astrology is the great equalizer; it reminds us that it applies to everyone equally. The sooner we can understand that our individual actions have consequences that ripple out to the collective, the sooner we can evolve and move forward. In the same way that I tell my clients not to expect a planetary transit to "save them", we also can't expect other people (be it politicians, business leaders, or institutions) to "save us". That exempts us from responsibility. Be the change you want to see, and speak out when you see things that don't align with the kind of world you want to live in.

What is your opinion on the Earth shifting from 3D to now 5D? What can we expect from this shift? Any tips/advice?

I am glad to see more people embracing astrology and other "new age" philosophies, but I find the "5D" concept to be very esoteric -- to the point where it becomes vague and meaningless. 

I think we, as a human collective, are always changing and shifting. Alas, we also have a part of us that is very primitive, basic, and fear-based that can be taken advantage of by people in power.

And, there are parts of our "3D" existence that are necessary. We need shelter, food, and money. Too often, conversations about "shifting into the 5D" make it seem like we all just need to become enlightened and meditate under an apple tree for two hours. If someone wants to evolve toward being a better person, I suggest advocating for social and racial equality.

You can follow Andy @astrologywithandy


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