Proposed Ohio Law Could Make Abortion Equivalent to Murder
I bring bad news this week, babes. You can’t really be surprised; the news hardly brings us anything good anymore. But while we were all sipping wine, and in between bites of turkey and cornbread stuffing, our darling Ohio state lawmakers have been plotting to insert religion where it doesn’t belong: politics.
I’m not throwing shade at anyone for what they believe; all I’m saying is that because we have so many diverse religions in America, we shouldn’t be using those beliefs to change laws for everyone else who might not believe the same thing. But leave it to a bunch of old white guys (and two women representatives that support it) to meddle in something they shouldn’t.
Via NYTimes
The gist of House Bill 565 in its current form is that any woman or physician that performs an abortion will be tried with murder and will be tried to the fullest extent of the law. Keep in mind that Ohio has the death penalty in effect. I don’t know about you, but I can see how this could quickly get out of hand, like some kind of horror post-apocalyptic story where everyone is hyper religious.
Via NYTimes
Anyway, so far the bill doesn’t mention those women who have been raped or any baby conceived from incest, but if you ask me I doubt it’ll matter. Republican representatives Ron Hood and A. Nino Vitale are the major names behind this bill. But according to NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland, we don’t have to worry about it too much right now. She said she hasn’t noticed a big push for it at the moment.
But the republicans are getting hopeful. Already in the past month, a bill was passed making all abortions illegal if the fetal heartbeat could be detected. This bill alone caused major pushback because many women don’t even know they’re pregnant by the time you can detect a heartbeat. But the bill was passed and now those same people are getting excited again because conservative Brett Kavanaugh was just elected to the Supreme Court, making it, for the most part, Republican. Not to mention Trump keeps appointing all his conservative friends to high places, so it might be incredibly easy to pass this bill when it comes down to it.
I don’t know where this bill will take us if it is passed, but as always, your girl is going to keep digging.
Disclaimer: I got all my information from CNN and the Huffington Post.
Via Harper’s Bazaar