Emsculpt Treatment: Sit, Wait, Abs of Steel Instantly....Literally!

Let’s be real - we have all dreamt of having abs and buns of steel that we can be proud of and show off on our bikini-clad trip to Miami. However, with the busy lifestyle that modern day living creates, a lot of us are looking for faster solutions to our workout goals. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a technology that could give you instant abs and a booty you adore instantly?

Well, now there is. The technology is called Emsculpt. The company promotes that their technology has the ability to get you into shape without the sweat. So, forget those countless hours at the gym, the calorie counting, and many feelings of defeat for eating that one donut for breakfast. 

Emsculpt was developed by BTL Industries. The aim is to improve “abdominal tone, strengthening of the abdominal muscles, development of firmer abdomen. Strengthening, toning and firming of buttocks.” This is a non-abrasive procedure that uses HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology to create voluntary contractions that emulate ab workouts (such as sit ups). 

According to a source from Healthline.com: Emsculpt “would be like doing 20,000 sit ups in 30 minutes — well beyond the capacity of the most ambitious workout,” Dr. Margo Weishar, a board-certified dermatologist at Springhouse Dermatology and Aesthetics in Pennsylvania.”

So, how long does it take for results to show? Emsculpt recommends (4) 30-minute sessions about 2-3 days apart. However, you will be in contact with a representative from Emsculpt that will help to create a procedure plan that works best for your body. The feeling associated is like a really good workout, but the company says all you need to do is relax and let the technology do the work! You will not need any downtime as it is a non-invasive procedure.

To find a facility with the Emsculpt technology near you, search the company website for more details. You will usually find yourself paired up with a board-certified dermatologist for this procedure. The price range per session is going to land you at about $750 to $1,000 per session or around $3,000 to $4,000 for all four sessions. 


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