Solo Living: Are You Ready?

So, you’re kind of ready to leave the nest. Kind of. But the questions still flood your head: am I really ready for this responsibility?  Will I be lonely?  Will I miss being back home? Yes, these questions are valid; leaving home is a transformative milestone to adulthood and it comes with a lot of responsibilities. But, being a faithful friend (and solo living expert), I’m here to let you know why living alone might actually be your next best decision.


The bad news, the most horrendous thing about living alone is killing bugs. Seriously, that’s it! When living with a roommate, this was an easy fix: be as dramatic as possible until they kill it. But with solo living, this conundrum takes courage (and a few tears).  I once saw a mammoth sized bug in my apartment and cried, called my cousin to come get it (I even paid for his Uber), and then called my mom to cry some more. I did end up killing the bug though, so that’s got to count for something! Don’t think I’m being dramatic—living on your own comes with a ton of responsibilities that you have to do on your own.  This doesn’t just apply to killing arachnids.  While living solo, you are completely and utterly, well, self-reliant. 


Now the biggest catch-22 of living alone, is being alone. When you get back you go home, you do so to an empty one. Not only do you have to be comfortable with yourself, you also have to be cognizant of your environment and take measures to prevent any unwanted occurrence. You have to get to know yourself.


Conversely, this FREEDOM may be the best part about living on your own. Some people love singing at the top of their lungs, some people like eating naked on the couch and watching netflix, don’t judge me.  The freedom that you get from living alone is well worth the responsibilities you gain. There’s a quiet peacefulness that comes from getting out of class or off of work and entering a calm house.  You can do what you want, when you want, and how you want—that’s not easy to come by!  

When moving on your own, it’s also crucial that you understand your finances.  If you’re not prepared for that financial burden, then by all means, do not move out.  Who cares what people are saying! Do what’s best for you. But if you can afford it, and you’ve been battling yourself about leaving home, know that it is truly an amazing experience that forces you to grow up.  It forces you to kill all of the bugs.  It forces you to know and love yourself in ways you may not have noticed needed love. (Alexa, cue Thank You, Next).

Cover image via Red Lipstick Project


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