These Books Will Re-Wire You To Solely Think Positive, Feel Strong, and Be Truly Happy

Self isolation. Social distancing. Self quarantine. COVID-19. These are many of the terminologies  that describe the new perturb way of life as we know it.

The forced isolation and vulnerability can compromise one’s sense of identity. However, the drastic break in every day routine creates an opportunity to think about one’s life and the world at large, in a deeper construct.

Developing an understanding of the world can constitute meaningful conversations about the role of viruses in human history, and how they might play into humanity’s future here on out.      

Below you’ll find a curated list of books that will bring your mind and soul at ease. They are guaranteed to uplift you, bring you strength, in turn, eliminating the stress during this pandemic.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

via Amazon, $9

via Amazon, $9

The Power of Positive Thinking is as blatant as it gets. Within the book, you learn tactical ways to carry out all your ambitions, believe in yourself, and you  ultimately learn how to be kinder to yourself.

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön

via Amazon $13

via Amazon $13

This book provides insight on how to use the painful emotions that we've experienced to create wisdom, courage, and compassion for others. There are also tips and methods for how to communicate and encourage others to open up about what they're going through rather than shutting down as well as ways to create effective social action for the issues.

Via Amazon, $20

Via Amazon, $20

This book unpacks strategies on how to think neutrally and unbiased allowing a sense of calm and clarity when assessing problems and crises right before you have to make critical decisions. Building a neutral mindstate can help make your world a better place .

Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

via Amazon, $17

via Amazon, $17

Written by former World Series of Poker champion, Annie Duke, the book can help you realign your views on decisions versus possible outcomes regardless of the situation  so that you’ll be calm, confident, and compassionate in the fact that some things may not go as planned which is okay.

via Amazon $18

via Amazon $18

Eckhart Tolle dives deep into the  transcendent ideas of our ego- based state of consciousness that isn't just about personal happiness, but also the key to eradicating conflict throughout the world. Tolle illustrates the fundamental principles on how to awaken this  new state of consciousness to have a meaningful existence.

via Amazon, $10

via Amazon, $10

Shundrawn Thomas helps us gather a better understanding of our passions and abilities, which will aid in our ethics and character formation no matter what career stage, age, or occupation we are in. 

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

via Amazon $19

via Amazon $19

Daniel Kahneman breaks down the two systems that makeup our thought process: System one is intuitive, emotional, and fast, and system two is more logical, deliberate, and slower. Ultimately, the book is the perfect tool to help us get a sense of enlightenment regarding our  business and personal lives.

via Amazon, $9

via Amazon, $9

Angela Duckworth paints a captivating picture about people yearning  to succeed in the world. The secret to this success is not just talent , but a combination of persistence and genuine passion for something - grit. 

Moreover, Grit is a book about the thought processes that go on in our mind when we are back at square one, and how having that persistence to pick up the pieces, and make the situation whole again makes a world of difference on the path to greatness.


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