Sugar Is Making You Look Older Than You Are, Here's Why...

By Daniela Cantillo


You’ve definitely heard it before, and I’m here to tell you again: SUGAR IS POISON! 

As you’ve probably been told plenty of times, a balanced diet is key to a healthy lifestyle. What you put into your body has a huge impact on your mood, energy levels, and your overall health. Let’s talk about sugar—a delicious, addictive, and extremely damaging soluble carbohydrate that we just love to consume. Consuming sugar in excess not only affects the way you feel, but also the way that you look. I’m not just talking about your weight and your figure, but also the appearance of your skin. I know sweets are delicious, and they make us all happy from time to time. After all, we all deserve a treat here and there! However, countless studies have shown that too much sugar can actually make your skin look older than it actually is. Don’t panic, though! Just read on ahead to learn more about the way sugar affects the appearance of your skin. I guarantee that by the end of this article, you’ll feel more motivated to monitor your intake.


Sugar Steals Your Collagen

When we are young, our skin generally has a soft, radiant, and youthful appearance. That is because young skin is filled with collagen and elastin—two key proteins of our extracellular matrix that keep our skin “plump and ripe”. Sugar, also known as “white poison,” can actually hinder the production of Collagen and Elastin in our skin. This directly contributes to wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven skin tones. Unfortunately for all of us, aging skin is not something that can be fully avoided. However, you can certainly help delay the process by making small sacrifices in your diet.

Sugar is Shady AF

Refined starches and sweeteners have a high sugar content, and their overconsumption can result in high blood sugar. Not only is this harmful for your overall health, but it can also lead to advanced glycation end products (also known as AGEs). These are compounds that result from a combination of sugars and protein, and guess what—they can speed up the aging process!

 As if sugar couldn’t be worse, it’s actually a dehydrating agent that disrupts water binding. This can make your skin look dull, and overall less bouncy and youthful. Want to avoid those unwanted dark circles? Time to monitor your sugar intake!


Cut and Substitute

I understand that cutting sugar completely out of your diet might be unrealistic. We’re all human, and there’s no denying that sugar in your afternoon coffee is a taste of heaven. However, small sacrifices can lead to wonderful, lasting results. Start by cutting your sugar intake in half, and by replacing sugar in your tea or coffee with natural sweeteners like honey or agave nectar. The good news is that it’s 2020, and there are plenty of delicious substitutes for sugar and other evil ingredients. The other good news is that I’m not trying to sell you a new trendy (and probably expensive) skincare product. I’m simply asking that you be mindful of what you put into your body, so that you will feel better, and look better. 

 And, as always, please remember that feeling good is far more important than looking good. Plus, when you feel good, you will look good. 

So, do your skin a favor and lower that sugar intake!



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