Olivia Jade: Sorry? Or Not Sorry? The Unapologetic Comeback...
Nearly a year later, and we finally got to see Olivia Jade’s fake college resume that got her into USC and started the whole college admissions scandal. Cringe.
via @GibsonJohns
Since this whole thing is being brought up again, it brings Olivia Jade back into the spotlight. Or well, lime light. Is she sorry for what she was involved in? Will she be back to being her successful “rowing” …oh, sorry, I meant, “vlogging” self? Yeah, I don’t think so.
For one, I don’t think Olivia Jade really thinks this is her fault. She never wanted to go to college in the first place stating in a YouTube video (that has now been deleted…interesting) “I don’t really care about school,” but was coerced into going by her parents. It wasn’t all bad though, because Olivia Jade was really looking forward to “game days and partying”! But to get into college, you need to apply. I don’t know how she could have not known a fake resume was made at all, let alone not realize this was going to bite her in the ass later on.
And I still think she believes this isn’t as big of a deal as it is, and that it will all blow over. I think it’s pretty apparent after she posted a now deleted Instagram post of her very classily flipping off the camera, and captioning the photo: “@dailymail @starmagazine @people @perezhiltion @everyothermediaoutlet #close #source #says.” She was complicit in using falsified information to get into a dream college for many people, and she is upset that she is getting reported on by media outlets? Couldn’t be me.
With her most recent YouTube video, it’s apparent she’s trying to get back what she once had. And while legally she can’t talk about what is going on, pretending it doesn’t exist and posting an “Everyday Routine” is pretty out of touch. Don’t worry though, people in the comments (that are somehow not removed) let her know they haven’t forgotten.
Her reputation is tainted. And honestly, thank God. She shows no remorse or awareness of the situation she got herself into and thinks this can be brushed under the “self-privilege rug.” Hopefully she’ll understand the gravity of the situation in the future, but I’m not holding my breath.
cover image via The Daily Beast