Move Over Negativity: A Look At All The Good Happening In The World During COVID-19 Pandemic
Let’s be honest… times are tough. While it is important to keep up with Coronavirus news, hearing new cases break out, hearing about the rising death tolls at the end of each day, seeing people fight constantly about this online, and watching the world practically shut down is scary. It can send even the best of us over the edge….but only if we let it. If we instead look at the positive things current happening daily during this pandemic, our mental state will be in good shape.
So that’s why it’s more important than ever to seek out the good things happening in the world. And babes, there’s quite a bit of good happening still. We hope these stories will help set your mind at ease, put a smile on your face, and give you hope in a better tomorrow. Share them with others, so we can spread some positivity. We’ve had enough negative news, to say the least.
One good Samaritan is thanking delivery drivers by putting a care package on their doorstep with paper towels, water bottles, Gatorade, and cans of soup. Spread love!
Even when concerts are postponed, the show will still go on! The musicians of the Colorado Symphony performed Beethoven’s Nine Symphony ,and posted it to their YouTube account as a small tribute to remind everyone they will make it through this.
Via Fox News
It’s nice to be reminded to look on the bright side. So, a tug boat sailed down the Thames blasting “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” to remind Greenwich residents to do just that!
The Earth is a greener place. Literally. NASA has reported that the Earth is greener than it was 20 years ago, and China and India account for a third of the greening!
via NASA
Love will not be stopped by a virus. One couple got married in the streets of New York, with a friend officiating from his apartment window. Congrats to the happy couple!
Despite coronavirus, shelter pets are being fostered at unprecedented rates and honestly, we couldn’t be happier.
A pianist in Barcelona went to his balcony to play “My Heart Will Go On” for the lucky residents in his neighborhood. After he started, a sax player next door joined in. Faith in humanity? Restored.
cover image via Positive News