Key Steps To Preserve That Young Glowing Skin

Is Your Skin Aging? Here’s What You Can Do To Reverse The Process…

Aging can be a daunting thought, especially when it comes to your skin. As we age, our collagen production slows down. This means our skin becomes prone to signs of aging like sagging skin and wrinkles. For many, it can be a total confidence knock. Luckily, there are ways to reverse your skin’s aging process with the help of procedures like dermal fillers. This short guide will discuss some non-invasive ways to help you preserve a youthful complexion.

Avoid Bad Habits Like Smoking

Smoking does not only negatively impact your health, but it also affects your skin too. Cigarettes are packed full of harmful chemicals that damage skin cells. It can speed up the signs of ageing, and you may notice wrinkles and fine lines appearing much sooner than you'd hoped. Smoking can also cause skin discoloration. So, if you want to reverse the signs of aging, it is time to kick that bad habit out the door. Understandably, it can be difficult to do this. If you are struggling to quit smoking, you will find plenty of support online. Refer to some quit smoking advice and talk to your doctor, who may be able to help you.

Consider Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in our bodies. It is used in many skincare products, and is also an ingredient in some dermal fillers. Dermal fillers aim to smooth out deep wrinkles - and restore volume in the face. They are a non-surgical procedure, but one that can give you newfound confidence in your appearance. If you would like to know more about dermal fillers, talk to an experienced practitioner like the team at City Skin Clinic. They can guide you through the dermal fillers process from start to finish and help you achieve your desired cosmetic goals.

Use Retinoids In Your Skincare Regime

Retinoids are compounds derived from Vitamin A. You can find them in most skincare products. The most common ones to look out for are tretinoin and retinol. Retinoids are commonly used to treat a wide variety of skin conditions. They can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by speeding up collagen production. If you are interested in exploring retinoids - but are unsure which products to use, speak to a dermatologist. If you are nervous about procedures like dermal fillers, using retinoids is a good place to start if you want to reverse the signs of aging.

Minimize Stress

You may be surprised to know that stress can significantly affect your skin’s condition. You may notice your skin looks dull and tired when you experience heightened stress. This is because our bodies take away blood flow from the skin. This slows down collagen production - and minimizes the youthful glow we once had. Reducing stress levels can be easier said than done. The trick is to find an activity that relaxes you. If you are struggling for inspiration, take a look at some example stress-relieving activities online.


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