June 2019 Horoscopes: Hair Toss Those Problems Away, Babe

It’s June, babes, and the stars are cooking up all sorts of cosmic goodies just for you. No matter your sassy, sexy, or sweet zodiac sign, we can all share in the magic that is in store. With Gemini season here most of the month and Cancer season approaching, it’s time for us to own our ideas and then later get into our feels. 

Who is ready for a little bit of fun? Gemini season is upon us, bringing flirty, social, and mischievous vibes into the air. A New Moon in this sign arrives on the 3rd, promising that we’re going to be feeling the pace pick up. Gemini is an Air Sign, known as the ruler of communication. How can you speak, write (let’s be real, create that perfect Insta caption or Tinder bio), or present yourself more authentically to the world? Connecting with others is important during this time, so how can you express your extra special personal flair even more? This isn’t the time to hide away, babe! With a New Moon, it signals open doors and possibility – so if you seize the moment now, you can lay a pattern of open communication for a year. What’s not to love? Nobody got time for mixed signals or f*ckboys! Out with the old games and in with a whole new level of honesty. (Unless you’re channeling the naughtier side of Gemini at this New Moon, which loves a bit of drama. We won’t judge you if you do, just play nice!)

Things heat up even more with a Full Moon on the 17th. This will electrify the cosmos with a spontaneous, optimistic, and lucky vibe because the Full Moon falls in the Fire Sign of Sagittarius. If you know Sagittarius, this loveable sign just wants to have fun! They’re always ready for a new adventure and crave a challenge. Because of this, we will collectively be looking to expand our lives in some way. How can you learn more about the world, babe? There’s so much out there to absorb about people, life, and culture. Don’t stay in for Netflix and chill, go out there and seize the day! Challenge yourself at this time and the lucky vibes from good ol’ Sagittarius will smile down on you.

Yet, on the 21st, the Sun leaves the bouncy flow of the last few weeks and glides into the tide pool of Cancer for a month. Cancer is a Water Sign, known for its love of security, stability, family, and the home. Dig down into those feels, babe, because this is the perfect time for that. We’ll all collectively be addressing our emotions more than usual. Sensitive self-love is extra favored at this time, so how can you listen to your intuition and heart a bit more? You’re a Goddess on Earth, babe, and you deserve to feel calm seas rather than lost amongst tumultuous waves. Cancer season is great for assessing this, so do the work on you. Shake off baggage and hair toss it away. You’re a babe and you were born this way.

Babe Affirmations For June 2019



Get out there and speak your truth, babe. Your words can pack a punch this month, so get ready to blaze a trail. Just make sure that you’re being honest with yourself.



If it ain’t bringing worth to your life, babe, get rid of it! This month it’s time to add value to your stability and security. Focus your thoughts and actions on a place of abundance rather than a place of “lack.”



Steal the scene, babe, you’re being summoned to front stage! What is at the center of your heart for the coming year? Turn the page on your life’s story and write something new.



In order to be the best babe you can be, you’ve gotta dust out the old so you can bring in the new. If there’s baggage that isn’t serving you, leave it in the past. You’re too fab to be held down.



You were made to run circles around these other ladies, babe, and this month you’ll be the belle of the ball. Shake those hips and throw your luxurious mane into the perfect style because you’re on everybody’s VIP list. Grace the mortals with your light.



Watch the hard work come to new peaks, babe, because you’ve been grinding! Keep climbing that ladder because it’ll all pay off. You’re great with all the nitty gritty, but don’t forget to holler at your girls to have a bit of fun.



Spread your wings and fly, babe, because you’ve got open roads (and skies). Consider how you can capture more of the world within your heart (and your Insta, let’s be real) this month. Set your eyes toward the distance and then the stars because it’s almost time to claim your crown.



Dive into all those deep, sappy, erotic feels, babe, because you’re doing some serious soul searching. Nobody quite loves these hidden depths quite as much as you. Find beauty in those secret spaces because that’s what makes you powerful.



Get ready to be in the mood to snag a boo or cuddle up with your special someone. Consider how you can be better as a duo rather than just a feisty, ferocious solo babe. The key to your heart this month isn’t finding someone to lock you down. It’s in finding someone who sets your soul free.



Rihanna said it best with “work, work, work,” and you’re feeling that beat deep in your soul this month. Keep taking those steps day-by-day to smash those goals, babe. Nobody wants that gold quite as much as you. 



Passion, romance, and art. Are you ready, babe? It’s sexy season and you’re snagging all those eyes. Light up your Instagram with some fierce photos to lure in suitors or plan something magical with the lover of your dreams. We only get it this hot a few times a year, so make sure you sizzle.



Swim deep into your feels this month, babe, because you’re testing out the currents beneath your fins. Are you following the waves or you fighting the motion of your ocean? Return to your sanctuary and you won’t be steered wrong. 

Kyle Thomas is a globally published pop culture astrologer who has been interviewed by Cosmopolitan Magazine, Bustle, PopSugar, Marie Claire, YahooNews, and more. His work harnesses the power of the stars and he is known for his cosmic guidance from the planets regarding celebrities, entertainment lifestyle, as well as trends affecting people all over the entire world. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, life coach, writer, and producer. He is the resident astrologer of Exhibit A, lead host of pop culture podcast, AstroKiki Radio, as well as the author of "2019 Lovescopes." Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram: @MrKyleThomas (http://www.instagram.com/MrKyleThomas) or Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/kylethomasulatowski)). More info: www.kylethomasastrology.com

Cover image via Goalcast


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