The Next Big Thing: Jay Diamondz Is Pop's Newest Gift
As someone who lives with a musician, I run into a lot of different acts. Many of them end up becoming friends of mine, and once in a while, I end up becoming a fan of their music. As a low-key fan of pop music, running into an artist who actually gives the genre a good name is a breath of fresh air.
I met Jay Diamondz through a work function, and he immediately struck me as a uniquely awesome, genuine person. He’s a mellow guy with a lot of heart that’s jam-packed with creativity. And, like many of my friends, he has a past as a club promoter.
Initially, it was his awesome outfits and hair that drew my attention to him. That didn’t stay long, though. After listening to his music, it didn’t take me long to believe that he’ll eventually end up on Z100 and similar radio stations.
His music and style take a lot of cues from hit singers like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Bruno Mars, and yes, a little Kanye too. His recent single, “One Night,” was danceable enough for me to want to hear a remix and do a little apartment room dance sesh.
Neal Ohri AKA Jay Diamondz via Christabelles Closet
Ossiana: Let’s get to know the OG Jay Diamondz, the one known as Neal Ohri. How did you start on your journey to be a pop star?
JD: I decided to save up some money and buy some studio time at a local studio and start experimenting with sounds and vibes that I like.
Ossiana: I know that you originally had a couple of major setbacks that you overcame. Tell me about them.
JD: There’s always going to be setbacks. One of the biggest ones for me was when I was a promoter and some of my events didn’t do well. That will set you back. Financially, mentally, emotionally. It gets hard in the nightlife industry very quick.
Ossiana: That’s a very true statement. Your new release, “One Night,” is a made for summer track. How did you come up with the music?
JD: I came up with the lyrics while I was driving around the Las Vegas strip feeling free and fun.
Ossiana: Since it is Pride Month, I might as well point out the obvious. Your outfits and music definitely show influence from LGBTQ culture, and you’re also known for your avid support of LGBTQ causes. When did you first fall in love with the culture?
JD: I remember walking into a gay DC nightclub one night called Town at the time; it’s no longer standing. I was dragged out by some friends and it was my moment of realization. I fell in love with the art. The show. The music the party the freedom, the fun. I fell in love with the safe haven it created from the outside world and from the other different nightclubs in DC at the time.
Ossiana: Having felt that in the New York City rave scene, I can definitely sympathize. So, how’d you get inspired to do music? What are your influences?
JD: My musical influences are constantly changing. I don’t think I can ever be influenced by a handful of artists or music styles. There’s just too much going on in the world to settle on a few. I’m constantly exposing myself to new music and new artists, therefore my influences are always changing.
Ossiana: I also wanted to know how you make the outfits. Do you actually sew them?
JD: Yes! I sew! Glue! Burn! Tape! Whatever needs to be done to bring out the glam. It’s hard as a young artist to get expensive designer wear so I like to create my own.
O: Annnnd that’s why I friggin’ love your style!
Cover image via Social Lifestyle Mag