Is It Worth It: "Display" Bridal Showers

By Sierra Roman

Every girl dreams of having a picture-perfect wedding process, right down to the minute details. But the tried and true traditional methods are getting a little stale. Especially if you’re a regular guest at these functions. In response to this, display bridal showers are the newest trend on the wedding scene. So what are they? And most importantly, are they worth it? 

Gifts on display via Pinterest

Gifts on display via Pinterest


Simply put, display bridal showers are when guests bring their unwrapped gifts to the shower and place them before the bride on a table with tags showing who brought what. Sweet and simple! It saves you the hassle of wrapping said gift and also saves everyone else’s time as opposed to watching the bride painstakingly unwrap something for the 7th time that evening. The bride can spend that time making lasting memories with the guests or gushing about her wedding plans! 

Also, it’s great for the environment! None of that messy wrapping paper means less waste! Less waste = happier trees. It’s a win for everyone! 

Gifts on display via Souvenirs and Balloons

Gifts on display via Souvenirs and Balloons


One of the few downsides, however, is the lack of secrecy. Gorgeous lingerie for the bride-to-be is a no-go, as well as any other racier gifts. It also might make the guests feel forced to bring a gift. Having them all on display can set a certain tone for the entire affair. One that can feel pretty intimidating for your guests if not careful. Nobody likes a Bridezilla, after all. 

Despite all this, the pros certainly outweigh the cons. It’s a fresh and fun take on an otherwise pretty dated part of the wedding prep. If you want to stand out amongst your friends and give them an event to remember, display bridal showers just may be the new wave!


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