Styling Blues: Is Anyone Else Bored of Basic Fashion?
The other day, I was walking down the main street of my town. I was on the way to my local vape shop, and while I was strolling on by, I started to notice something. On my simple 15-minute walk, I was able to count at least a dozen women who were all wearing different variations of black pants.
Safe black pant look, via Fashion Gum
Their clothes were not brightly colored. Everything was in simple, neutral colors. Their hair styles were also very neutral, with no wild highlights, no curls, and subtle highlights. Their accessories were equally non-offensive.
Truth be told, all the girls who I saw wearing the “Basic Look” in town looked good. But, at the same time, I saw this as a little bit of a problem. Well, maybe not a problem, but a really sad statement about the fashion of our time.
People, our interest in unique fashion seems to have died.
via Pinterest
As a person who really, truly digs having a unique sense of style, I get my inspiration from pouring over fashion magazines, movies, and music videos from the past. I’m completely and totally convinced that fashion somehow lost its way, bending over backwards to a sea of conformity.
I look at Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video, and marvel at how eye-catching that bright red leather jacket is. In my bedroom, I have copies of magazines that show the fashions of 90s club kids from New York and Tokyo. Oh, and hippie fashion of the 60s? Don’t even get me started.
fashion apps to help with styling, via
It’s 2019. We have more resources to source more unique fashions than ever before. Our society is more accepting of unusual gear than ever before. Yet, it’s really hard to find people who make a conscious effort to use fashion as a form of self-expression.
I can’t be the only one who’s over it, right?
Look, I get the allure of bland fashion. Dressing with neutral colors and a mainstream look is easy. Everyone looks great with it. It won’t steer you wrong, and in most cases, it will also be appropriate for the occasion. It’s presentable. It’s fast. It’s something that makes you easier to accept, and makes you more likely to mesh well with others.
You know what bland fashion can’t do, though? It can’t make you stand out in a crowd. It can’t make people stop and ask you where you got your bag. It can’t make you feel rebellious, and when you’re older, it won’t let you know what would happen if you did decide to get a little crazy with your clothing once in a while.
I get it. Life is easier when you don’t have to worry about extreme hair, matching bright colors, or wondering about people making snarky comments about you. But, when we as a society forget the importance of adding a splash of fun in life, we all lose something.
I’m not asking for everyone to go full glam rock or to wear festival fashion to your workplace. I am, however, asking you to give a little more color a try. There’s nothing wrong with a splash of strange in your wardrobe. Heck, you might just see your life get a little more color, too.
cover image via Popsugar