How to Sustainably Check Off Everyone on Your Holiday Gift List

By Kathryn Sohm

While preparing my holiday gift list each year for friends and family, I often feel guilty about participating in the mass consumerism that kicks off on Black Friday (sometimes sooner) and lasts until the after-New Year’s sales. Because the holidays are the season of overconsumption, they inevitably lead to a ridiculous amount of waste. Everything from food waste, packaging, wrapping paper, and shopping bags add up to contribute an extra one million tons a week to the landfill. To add insult to injury, many of these gifts go unappreciated, with only 1% of gifts still in use six months after Christmas.

To help you shop for everyone on your list, I’ve compiled a list of present ideas that are more sustainable, have less packaging, and will be loved by anyone!

Shampoo and Conditioner Bars

An easy everyday swap to make someone’s shower routine more sustainable is with shampoo and conditioner bars. Lush offers bars tailored towards different concerns, so you can pick the one that best suits your giftee's hair type. While the bars seem small (and so cute!), they last up to 80 washes and one bar replaces up to three 250ml bottles of liquid shampoo!

Book Rec: The World Is On Fire But We’re Still Buying Shoes


For your favorite fashionable, yet environmentally-conscious friend, I suggest this excellent book by Alec Leach, a former fashion editor for Highsnobiety. Leach explores why we love to shop so much, even while we watch the environment around us suffer. This is a quick, informative read that helps to understand everything from Karl Marx to greenwashing.

Refillable Lipstick


Not only is this Kjaer Weis lipstick moisturizing and highly pigmented, it’s refillable so it cuts down on future waste. This beauty brand uses pure and organic ingredients like biodynamically-grown Root of Light, Dioscorea Batatas and virgin cold-pressed Olive Oil.

3D Printed Ring


Herb Growing Kit

This Herb Trio Kit is perfect for anyone who has a green thumb or loves to cook. Within two weeks the cilantro, basil, and parsley seeds will sprout into lovely and useful plants! Growing your own herbs not only saves money, but is great for the environment as well.

Sustainable Puffer Coat


This puffer coat is the only thing your friend will need all winter long. It’s not only incredibly soft and warm, but it’s made of 100% deadstock materials. Plus, it’s not stuffed with feathers, so no ducks were harmed in the making of this puffer!

Socks They’ll Actually Want


I’ve heard a lot of complaints about receiving socks as a Christmas gift, but trust me, these are socks they’ll actually love. These stockings are shimmery and fun, made from 100% recycled yarn, and come from an emission free production site.

Bonus: Eco Friendly Wrapping Paper

Wrap up all of your holiday gifts in 100% dissolvable wrapping paper!


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