Do It And Poof: Ghost Hoes Are Not Alright
By Julia Peterson
These ‘ghosts’ are a very dedicated group whose only quest is to get in and disappear.
There is something very seriously wrong with the dating scene as of late, and it needs to be talked about. I’m talking about the surge of ghost hoes that are haunting us and leaving me thinking of perhaps joining the nunnery. Ghosting, okay, I will live because there are more dicks in the sea than fish at this point, but fuck me then, ghost, you motherfucker!
Shop Coquette ONFEMME Looks
Casper The Fucker
This is no tale of mutual one-night stands or waiting or not waiting to sleep with them because the goal is still the same. These ghosts are a very dedicated group whose only quest is to get in and disappear. Now, you probably didn’t care, but if you’re human, you might reflect and ponder why. Maybe the sex wasn’t good, and they didn’t want to tell you, or perhaps you should have realized their intentions earlier. I feel like you shouldn't have to Nancy Drew your relationship, sexual or not. There are many Casper the fuckers are there right now about to start the daily shifts. Beware to all.
Sexual Burial
Let me be your hoe whisperer and translate for you exactly how this goes. It was in the late 20s in the year of the 2,000 when I met a gentleman I thought was a gentleman. We had a date every week for a month, and yes, there were several red flags, but that's not the story's focus. There was plenty of attraction; he was funny, sweet, and tall. He also had the cutest dog that I should have rescued from him. Then came the night it wasn’t even planned, and honestly, it was unfortunately good, but after that came the not-so-shocking death of the relationship. I stopped having sex for a year, though, so it was a very virginal experience.
Burn It Away
There has been a surge from what I have seen on social media about more single women choosing to be celibate. Not because they don’t want to fuck or even look for a relationship, but because the people, primarily men, are so uncaring and diabolical that it's forcing them into it. We need tear society apart to find a man worth fucking these days. The only way to get rid of haunting ghosts is to burn their artifacts, and for ghost hoes, well, do as you wish, but jail is a long time, or perhaps you might think to block them.
Moment Of Silence
I hate a faker; it irks me so badly. To be honest, it’s always a vibe. I hate putting time into conversations, dates, and sex under the pretense of there being something more. We can still fuck. It's not a big deal. We are grown adults now. Perhaps it’s psychological, and it’s just the feeling of being able to fool someone or one of those scared to be anything that is real or requires allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Either way, how someone decides to treat you holds no reflection on you but them. It doesn’t ease the situation whatsoever but trust that eventually, you will find the person that makes you believe in fucking again.