December 2019 Horoscopes - Destiny is Knocking, Babe

Where did 2019 go, babe? Like weren’t we just basking in that spring romance, summer sun, and autumn vibes? The wheel of life turns yet again, and we are ready to cozy up into December. However, just the month isn’t the only thing that’s changing.

2019 will definitely be a year where people felt their lives growing and evolving. But 2020 promises to be even bigger, babe.  New cycles have arrived that will last not only a year but could last for the rest of your life. 2020 will be a huge year for you, as well as the entire world, because we will be launching major patterns to bring material and physical plans into complete manifestation. You better have that vision board ready, and if you don’t, use this month to hash it out! Throughout 2019, you were able to think about how you wanted to expand your life and see more about the world around you, and now is when that vision will find roots and longevity. However, hard work will be required because the planets are telling us to rise through the grind. Nobody got anything without tenacity (not even the Kardashians). Also, the eclipses of 2019 will continue on into 2020, which have focused our attention collectively on how stable we feel our lives are and if we are strong enough to reach toward our greatest plans. As Jupiter, planet of miracles, leaves Sagittarius and enters the mighty zodiac sign of Capricorn on December 2nd, know that this trend will make itself known. Jupiter will remain here until December 19th, 2020, so you will enjoy this growing abundance for over a year. We are here for it, babed!


November ended with a sassy New Moon in Sagittarius, telling us to get out of our comfort zone and shake it up. Take chances, embrace freedom, and let your hot babe vibe zing. The holidays are here and it’s a great way to harness your enthusiastic mood: celebrate not only the year but all the beauty in your life. Sagittarius is a zodiac sign that naturally rules optimism, so let your heart rekindle hope for something you have always wanted to believe in. No one can live without hope, babe, so let yours inspire everyone around you. That, truly, is the best holiday gift of all.

Watch out for December 11th, though, when Venus, our goddess planet of love and beauty, collides with Saturn, the bossy planet of responsibility. Your boo (and relationships in general) could be a bit chilly, so warm up to that fireplace in your blanket until sweeter days ahead. Before you know it, romance will feel light and bubbly once again.


December 11th is also a chatty Full Moon in Gemini and you’ll feel your mind a buzz. Gemini is an Air Sign that is highly communicative and is curious to learn, speak, write, and travel. This vibe will infuse you and you may be ready to state a meaningful message to someone that you’ve been contemplating for some time. But with the colder energy from Venus and Saturn, be sure that you choose your words well. You don’t want salty screenshots floating around this holiday season!

The Sun will leave the fiery flair of Sagittarius on December 21st to enter grounded Earth Sign, Capricorn. Time to be practical and realistic, babe, but also enjoy the luxury of everything you have worked for. Capricorn doesn’t tend to be an emotional zodiac sign because it is often more focused on ambition and achievement. Yet, even though we often feel more in our roots during this time of the year, the stars have other plans. As each day goes by, you will notice an electrical current in the air around you, babe. Eclipse season approaches! Eclipses always mark destined and “fated” events that we reflect for years upon. They mark very important times that move our lives forward in powerful and transformative ways. The closer you get to December 25th — the date of the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn — the more likely you are to notice your life shifting right before your eyes. YAS, babe. You ready for it?! No matter what, though, the news of the eclipse has your name written on it, so expect to notice it toward the very end of the year. Eclipse season will echo on into January 2020, so expect cosmic dust to be flying about you. The next one arrives January 10th, and the rumble will still even be felt on into February. The best thing to do is to watch and see what the Universe is delivering to your doorstep — almost like a fabulous holiday gift from the stars. No matter if it’s bad b*tch news or something that feels like teenage acne, it ultimately is meant to move you toward your highest babe potential.


But that’s not all, honey! The “luckiest day of the year” is actually right before New Years. You do not want to miss this jewel of a day! Miraculous news might just be yours! The Sun, ruling our focus, and Jupiter, ruling blessings and abundance, completely align within the sky — literally another cosmic gift from the stars above. This is one of the most powerful days we have astrologically. This occurs on December 27th this year, so when we say it’s gonna be “lit” we mean it! Use this day to do something you want powerful luck on your side for. Anything begun or agreed to now will likely work out in the long run with sparkle on fleek. Relationships, business, health, and happiness can all receive a dose of this cosmic vitamin and grow over the coming days, months, and years. Despite it being the end of the year, do not wait for opportunities to come to you. Go out to make them happen, babe. Happy 2019. Use that moisturizer, get that blow out, throw on those pumps, and get ready to march into 2020 with style.

Babe Affirmations for December



Set your spirit free, babe. Don’t just accept your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to fly.



Find your perfect match, babe. Don’t wait for it to “happen.” Go after the relationship of your dreams.



Show your vulnerable side, babe. Ask for what you want and deserve.



Slay that work, babe. If you buckle down now, you’ll love the results.



Live with passion, babe. Love and adventure look great on you.



Find your stable ground, babe. Cut out toxic self-talk once and for all.



Start the conversation, babe. You have a message and it’s time to be heard.



Build your abundance, babe. Wealth is attainable if you set your eyes on the gold.



Own your star power, babe. Nobody got it quite like you.



Forgive yourself and others, babe. There’s no point in holding onto anything that hurts you.



Build your network, babe. You’re popular for a reason.



Celebrate your success, babe. But then set your eyes on even higher goals ahead.

Cover image via Freepik


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