Brandy Melville: One Size Does NOT Fit All
She’s cool, she’s got style, she’s conventionally pretty, she’s your girl next door. Who is that exactly? Well, the girls of Brandy Melville, of course. Brandy Melville is a clothing and accessories brand that originated from Italy, and targets girls from ages 12 to early 20s. I say early 20s and that is already pushing it. If you don’t know much about the brand, the most prominent fact you need to know is that they serve as a “One Size” company. Not necessarily “One Size Fits All” because we all know if you’re a normal human being size 4 and up, you won’t get their pants pass your ankles. When they utilize the term, “One Size”, the size is primarily an X-Small to a Small.
via Brandy Melville
Not all young women are a size Small, Brandy. Instead of selling more sizes, the brand focuses on marketing young, skinny Caucasian girls. Despite the controversy, it still works. The clothes still sells because 15-year-old girls are begging their moms for that Nirvana crop t-shirt that Brandy Melville just came out with. Sweetheart, your parents weren’t even 15 yet when Nirvana made music.
Yes, the clothes are “so cute” (says every girl around the world). However, it’s simply because the brand knows how to market their target audience. When Brandy Melville first started their retail stores in 2009, they have had yet to start their e-commerce site. was just another blog platform that specialized in beach-inspired clothing such as basic crop-tops with sayings such as “no diggity” and short-shorts that could only fit a child’s waist. Today, it continues to grow and the young females are falling for it. The brand’s style is still very similar to its upbringing; however, they have expanded all over the world. It continues to be a discussion amongst many people -- when will this brand realize they need various sizes? The answer maybe, “they realize it, but just refuse to change it because that’s what makes Brandy Melville, Brandy Melville”. Their message has been loud and clear for the last 10 years. One-size fits SOME, and if you don’t fit it, you’re not a Brandy girl. So I guess I have not been a Brandy girl since 14…..
Cover image via Brandy Melville