Happy, Happy Galentine's! Horoscopes for February 11-17

Hey babes, this year’s looking up for us! Instead of drinking way too much at Galentine’s and dreading Valentine’s, we’ll using Galentine’s to revv up for our sensual encounters later in the week. If you don’t already have a guaranteed box of chocolates coming your way, then don’t despair. It’s just a little late to the party. And even if the beginning of the week doesn’t start off too hot, we all have a little something to look forward to. 

So, don’t waste all your money on mimosas at Galentine’s brunch and maybe start browsing that red and pink filled aisle at Target before all the good stuff’s sold out. Make yourself seem romantic and surprise that new love interest with a gift and shrug simply because you know it was all in the stars. 



You might want to save your Galentine’s get together until after Valentine’s, Aquarius, because you’re going to have some juicy stories to share. It’s time to move in on your crush with a sweet gesture, followed by something kinky later on. This week’s your time for romance and if you aren’t getting it, there’s no reason to be there. Ditch the party poopers and go have fun with people who enjoy the same things you do. You deserve to get some love one way or another.

Now what? Make this Galentine’s an intimate one. Share your saucy stories and use this as a chance to get closer with your gal pals. Take a break from phones and distractions and have a sleepover like you used to do in middle school. 



Emotions may have a more powerful effect on you this week, Pisces. You’re likely to be moved deeply by someone new, and that someone new might or might not be a new love interest come just in time to make you stop hating Valentine’s day. There will be a strong karmic pull between you and this new person, so don’t worry about looking too hard. Just have that box of chocolates and red lingerie ready, girl. 

Now what? While you’re not getting hot and heavy with your new love, invest in something creative. You’ll be drawn to all things beautiful, so you’ll be creating beautiful and eye-catching pieces. 



You need change and you need it now! You might feel a strong urge to break free from the normalcy that is your life, but try not to make any spontaneous decisions without at least getting one head nod from your rational side. Any plans that aren’t thought out can lead to unexpected nasty surprises. So, make crazy decisions with a specific goal in mind, and maybe not go too crazy with it. Those little bursts of spontaneity may meet some good luck. 

Now what? You’ll definitely experience luck with education and travel. So, maybe plan a trip with a couple of friends and go see what you can learn about the world. 



You might find yourself getting sucked into your own psyche, Taurus. Maybe your dreams are influencing your moods and you’re trying to find out more about it. It’s a good way to find out your true feelings about some people, but don’t let yourself become obsessed. You’ll be walking around in a dream and that isn’t always a good thing. The one positive aspect of keeping tabs on your dreams is that you’ll become more tender, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Your love life will benefit from the tender touch that you lend to it this week. 

Now what? While you’re in such a giving mood, now would be the perfect time to donate to a charity. It doesn’t have to be a huge donation; just something small and shows that you care. 



It’s an exciting week, Gemini! Feeling like your life’s been getting a little stale? Well, now’s the perfect time to make some changes because everything is sure to go quickly and smoothly. You can also start on unfinished tasks with the motivation that you’ve been missing since you started them. And hey, use those obsessive tendencies you have and put them to work. They can help you get some major work done. 

Now what? Use your initiative to take the first move with someone you’re into. Your determination and pure sex appeal will make it very hard for that person to say no. And chocolate doesn’t hurt, either. 



So, you may feel a certain way about someone, but you’re not sure how they feel about you. Well, this week you can both dive into your emotions and figure that out together. You can develop a deeper connection with this person and come out feeling better. And instead of the carnal desires that others may be feeling, you’ll be content with lazy cuddling and watching movies. Even if you’ve only just met this person, it’ll feel like you’ve known them for years. 

Now what? A quick way to figure out if you’ve met your soulmate is to get to know them. So, all that gross sappy stuff I mentioned might help you out. Give it a try and see if you’ve met your final match. 



Become a risk taker, Leo. It’s time to experience new activities and, yes, even new relationships. Start a new big project or finally ask someone out. Use that personal drive to benefit you this week. You’ll feel like you’re on top of the world and no one can stop you. You’ll grow both spiritually and financially, so all in all, it’ll be a fantastic week for you. 

Now what? If you’re nervous about asking someone out because maybe you haven’t done it in a long time or at all, just make yourself look hella nice. If you look like you have confidence, then it’ll will make its way to the inside, too. 



There’s something about you that attracts people to you, Virgo. You’re passionate and charming and you have intense emotional reactions (the good kind). You have this energy that is about to make you super popular. Enjoy it. Take this time to make new connections and find new love. You’ll enjoy a strong karmic pull between you and that person, so you don’t even have to look hard. Easy, peasy. 

Now what? You’re feeling great and you’ll be looking great, too. This week you have an excellent taste in clothes, so it may be time to break open your piggy bank and go shopping. Something red, perhaps? 



So, your obligations are holding you back. And that makes you mad, Libra. Well, you can’t run around throwing a temper tantrum, so hang in there. Don’t lash out at loved ones and especially not strangers because you’re frustrated at all the grown-up stuff you gotta do. Just do it fast, no one said it had to be good, and get it over with. It’s not like you can ignore those obligations without repercussions, so get crackin’. On a brighter note, your Valentine’s will be filled with sharing your emotions in bonding experiences with loved ones, and who doesn’t love that?

Now what? Even if you aren’t the sharing type, you might want to practice because you could find a new love interest by being open with how you’re feeling. You can create a stronger first attraction that way. 



You may not be impatient for love, but you sure are impatient. That can lead to impulsive decisions, like throwing your phone against the wall and regretting it when your phone won’t turn on anymore. Do yourself a favor and every time you lose your cool, take a deep breath and count to ten before you flip your shit. If you let your bad moods get in the way of your productivity now, they can continue getting in your way in the future. 

Now what? Your bad temper might be lifted for Valentine’s when some sensual pleasures come your way. Don’t be afraid to try new things and get some of your anger out in the bedroom. Wink, wink. 



Now’s not the time for bondage, Sag! Well, the real life kind. You’re saying no to the restrictions of daily routines of mundane life. You’re just here to have a good time, and that will most likely come in the form of something sexy. Go for someone outside of your usual dating spectrum or spice it up with an existing partner. Hey, maybe you just started dating and you didn’t know that your new beau is also into bondage. 

Now what? Your luck is running high, so use this chance to do what you’ve never had the guts to do. Experience your life to the fullest and don’t look back because the world is on your side. 



This Valentine’s may be an emotional one, Cappy, but thankfully not in a bad way. All those emotions you’ve been burying in preparation for this sappy, love-filled holiday will come bubbling to the surface. But use this to your advantage. Get close with that special someone and dive straight into both of your unkempt emotions. This close connection may lead to some hot romance and erotic pleasure. I don’t have to spell it out. 

Now what? If you haven’t already realized that your special someone is The One, you might this week. All that talking and love making may make you realize that your forever best friend is right in front of you. 

cover via Vitacost


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