En Route to Rocky Road: Married At First Sight: Episode 6 Recap
Well the honeymoon is officially over for these couples, literally and figuratively. The couples have left their fancy honeymoon and have now delved into all of life’s problems that have kept them from finding someone for however long. For some couples this transition was pretty smooth, and for others it was a learning curve.
Luke had some guests waiting for him at home once he arrived back in the states, the experts. They were extremely unhappy with the way that he had been treating his wife, especially his comment about being extremely unattracted to his wife. Kate was pretty graceful about the whole situation but you could tell that she was very upset by this and deeply offended, who wouldn’t be in all honesty?!? Anyway, the experts told Luke that if he was not in it for the long haul to basically hit the road, which he was a bit shocked at. The awkward man assured them that he would try harder and be better. Kate doesn’t look like she is holding out too much hope, she said that the only reason she is still with him is because they are married after all. The jury is out on whether or not these two will make it.
Via Popculture
AJ and Stephanie seemed to have an immediate connection at the wedding, and tons of fun on the honeymoon. However, AJ’s short temper seemed to shine through and scare Stephanie a bit. He seemed to turn into the Hulk when she asked him about what painting’s he would like to bring, this was all pretty confusing tbh. Stephanie is unsure if she is going to be able to handle all of this forever and who can honestly blame her. Who wants to have to tiptoe around their significant other all the time?!? Stephanie is super independent so this marriage may not last if AJ doesn’t learn to communicate.
Keith and Kristine, the two spoiled adults, actually got along a lot better when the returned home then expected. Keith is still in school, so Kristine will be paying most of the bills but she seems at peace with that as long as he stays in school. Keith said something along the lines of “I don’t cook, I eat” so he really needs to get a grip on life, if Kristine is paying most of the bills he should pick up some of the slack around the house. It is time for him to grow up and become an adult for real this time.
Jasmine and Will are probably the dullest of the couples, mainly because Will has wedged himself so deep into the friend zone it is looking bleak. There has been almost no intimacy between the two of them although they claim to be attracted to each other. Sometimes the spark is just not there and if its not there its basically no way to achieve it. But maybe they will open up to each other more now that they are back home. Jasmine seems like she is a bit too strong willed for her husband so she may need to cool it a bit, especially because she wants him to take charge. Cool it girl so he has the possibility to take charge!