How To Detox Your Space Of Negative Energy #GOODVIBESONLY
Have you heard this one? “A messy space is indicative of a messy mind.” Or how about this— “Our homes are a reflection of who we are.” It’s true, you know. There’s a reason why we avoid inviting negative people to our home (and our lives!) at all costs—aside from the fact that they’re just a total drag to be around. There’s a reason we clean our apartments when we’re stressed, and feel better immediately afterwards. The space we’re in feeds our mind, body, spirit and health. Ignore this gem of wisdom at your own risk!
The practice of promoting positive energy through the arrangement of the outside world has been around for centuries... but only now have Americans really put a premium on the knowledge (seriously, you know I love y’all—but we’ve always been waaaayyy behind the culture curve in this department). From the ancient practice of Feng Shui to more modern arts such as Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” and the Danish philosophy “Hygge,” we’re now beginning to realize that happiness truly starts at home.
And, in typical boss babe fashion, we’re sharing ways to put these miraculous #lifehacks to work for YOU.
Lighting and music (or nature sounds!) can be simple, cost effective ways to spruce up any environment. Hello, the restaurant industry thrives on this—and don’t tell me you wouldn’t know where to start with the music. You have a smartphone, don’t you? Studies show that some form of external noise can boost one’s concentration while promoting a safe, relaxing atmosphere…not to mention a little companionship for those days where you just can’t be left alone with the sound of your own thoughts. We could all use a little more Cardi B while getting in a last minute at-home HIIT workout—or is that just me?
Lighting is key in transforming spaces to bring out their colors—and the harsh overhead bulbs most of us have is just not where it’s at. Chinese lanterns (also a trending piece of décor), candles, white string lights, and dimmers will all create warmer, softer tones that flatter your home, and everyone in it. But remember, no one’s ugly after 2 AM.
Image: Restoration Hardware
A lot of times when we hear the words “spiritual cleanse,” we think, sage, candles, prayers, charms, etc. Patience—we’ll get there, but cleansing any space (no matter what the purpose) starts with PHYSYICALLY cleaning it. That’s right, it’s time to get down on those hands and knees and scrub. We suggest doing this yourself (though you can always hire someone to do this for you if you can make those Benjamins rain) because it can be a surprisingly cathartic experience. Clearing the entrance ways (particularly floors and large surface areas) will leave your home feeling uplifted and allow for the easy flow of positive chi.
Snicker. Chuckle. Laugh. OK, I’ve composed myself. Sorry, but this piece of advice (while totally sound) reminds me of a situation I was in with a not-so-pleasant roommate. Let’s call her “Anna.” Anna, who was living in the apartment before I was, constantly complained about the fact that she made our space “a pretty comfortable place to live,” and didn’t feel like sharing it. Bottom line—the girl was cray cray. I mean really, “I’ve made this apartment a pretty comfortable place to live.” What does that even mean? She lived there, so of course she would make it suit her needs. I guess she wanted a medal for it. Ha!
Well, that aside, this suggestion isn’t always so obvious for many of you fab ladies who are on the run from morning until night. So, it exists as a philosophy to let us all know that comfort is in order. Brought to us by Denmark, Hygge, is the idea of being cozy. Basic rules: keep it hot, turn out the lights, cover up, and keep those drinks flowing and the snacks coming. Think, “how would I most like to spend a rainy day?” Though this setup is about creating that kind of space 24/7, rain or shine. Try adding plush blankets, pillows, and all-natural products (particularly in spaces where you would entertain)—but be as unique as possible! You don’t want it to look like something off of the Urban Outfitters Home page—not that it isn’t a wonderful place to visit for a quick burst of inspo.
Image: Phish
Now it’s time to lean into the more spiritual mumbo jumbo that we’re not 100% sure why they work to begin with. We just know that they do—and we’re ready to pass on this sacred knowledge to you, our soul tribe sisters…but you have to be willing to put in the work.
The two S-words go well for remembering this crucial foul energy-fighting step. Sprinkle salt, and vacuum it up after you’re sure it’s done its magic. The crystals in salt are able to pick up and cleanse bad vibes in places and people. Smudge with white sage by letting it burn while you walk through your living space—be sure to swirl in a counter-clockwise direction. Incense and essential oils also carry a soothing property good for claiming your space through the power of prayer and meditation. Don’t sleep on this—it’s the fail-safe way to make any environment feel like yours.
Do you know one of those magical people who try to make things grow anywhere?
I’m not one of them, but girls—that doesn’t stop me from trying. Not only are plants gorgeous little fixtures to have in any home (ahem, when they’re alive), they are excellent filters of oxygen—and negative energy. Think of plants as the stewards of your home, and try to set up at least one in each room of the place to charge it with light and love. Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Cacti and Rosemary all promote harmony and peace within… no matter what is going on around you. Flourish, green warriors!
Both Feng Shui mavens and lifestyle guru Marie Kondo will tell you one thing: keep it simple! Leaving old stuff lying around will not only crowd your space, but your mind and energy fields as well. It will not allow you to use the staple items of furniture to their full potential, or allow you to reposition them for balance.
Relax—there are ways to cut back on the clutter. Don’t repurpose old clothing, or anything really. This goes for gifts, which you do not need to keep out of guilt. Above all, if you haven’t looked at something (let alone used it) in the last six months, it’s time to toss it out. I know, our ‘90s memorabilia can be hard to part with—but it must be done. Keep the memories in your hearts, not your personal space.