How To Master A Kick Ass New Semester of College

The unspeakable is finally here.  We have officially ended our summers and are now heading into our next phase of the year.  Trust me. I know. This is frightening to say the least.  But, it doesn’t have to be! The transition from beach babe to bookworm bae definitely isn’t smooth—especially if you had a bomb summer—but it’s one we certainly can’t avoid (yes, I have tried).  To be fair, some people don’t dread going back to school:  we often get a chance to see our friends and get away from the stressors back at home.  But, for those of us dreading those 21 credit semesters, this one’s for you.  We’ll make this the best semester yet!

 Change your mindset

As I was told by a professor, you have way too many things to be putting your emotional effort into. Now, I know this is easier said than done, but rewiring your brain through your thoughts can be extremely beneficial with things like anxiety, insomnia, or even a depressed mood (don’t worry, kiddos, we’re going to address mental health soon).  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of treatment that involves positive thinking and affirmations to decrease these negative mood disorders.  Those corny things like “daily affirmations” and putting notes to yourself about self-love have actually proved to be useful for some people.  So, loves, go into this semester with a positive attitude that you will put your best foot forward and you will get the results you want.

Get a head start on your mental health

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

Go to your school’s counseling center early on (while you’re feeling well), so when your mental health starts decreasing a bit, you’re already on top of things.  When you’re at a low, rarely do you have enough energy to do something as simple as get out of bed.  Starting off at your school’s therapy or counseling center can be a preventive measure so when you start going through those low times, you’re not going through it alone.  Also, if you need a few mental health days, your school therapist can write you a valid excuse note so your professors don’t trip (especially the ones who aren’t so kind about issues like this).  Getting a jump start now can be extremely beneficial if you start lagging later in the semester.

Write everything down

Via Buzzfeed

This was always a tough one for me, but man! Do you know how much easier life is when you’re organized? Seriously! Get a planner and actually plan out when you’re going to do certain things and when you want them done by.  Plus, crossing things off your list when you’ve completed them is so gratifying.  I like to give myself a treat on Wednesday if I’ve completed everything on my list that I needed to.  It’s a reminder that I’ve completed half of the week, and I completed it well.  Giving yourself deadlines is great but rewarding yourself for adhering to the deadlines is just as important. 

Go to that party

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

Nope, I’m not joking.  Life is a matter of duality, of balance.  You can’t overwork yourself, but you also aren’t majoring in partying and beer pong.  Create that balance in your life—work hard and play hard(er).  Now, as I say this, it’s also important to know the type of person you are: if you go to that day party, will you be able to do work that night?   If you’re going out Saturday night, are you doing work during the day?  Can you play hard without neglecting your work?  It should also be noted that some people are working full time while being a full-time student as well.  Trust me, I see you.  I know you.  While you may not be able to go party with your friends all the time, make sure you’re taking care of yourself as best as you can.  Doing both is draining to say the least.

This year doesn’t have to be as daunting as you think! Take it one day at a time and organize yourself and your time and you’ll be fine! Make sure you check up on yourself and you’re taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally, not just academically! And don’t forget: we’re definitely kicking ass this semester.

Cover Via Outfit Trends




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