Relief From The Retrograde Rabbit Hole? Your Weekly Horoscopes Aug. 20 - Aug 26
Everything is in retrograde, and yes, we’re all tired of hearing about it. However, this explosive summer and SOME of its dizzying effects might not be that bad—hear us out. Without the planet-induced (not to mention horrendously annoying) stalls in progress, how would we have learned oh-so-important lessons in delayed gratification that come with being an adult?
You buying it? Nope—didn’t think so. A boss babe has to keep it movin’ after all.
But maybe that’s just it. We’re surviving—and adulting—with all this ish going on, so we have to be doing something right. Just follow the signs. And wait for it…as Mercury’s backspin (first-class destroyer of pretty much all forms of communication) starts to wind down this week, your friends at Exhibit A are predicting a little relief on the horizon. Babes, it’s time to break out the champagne…not that we need a reason to. ;)
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You know how sometimes you find something immediately after you stop looking for it? That’s what this week will be like for Aries with the sun passing through Virgo. Health, wellness and lifestyle will be your primary focus during this period—and it will open up some major doors for you. But you’re not out of the woods yet. Relationships will be a bit more challenging this week, so try extra hard to leave any baggage or negative energy at the door. Think: good vibes only.
If new doors are being opened up for Aries this week, they’re BREAKING down for Taurus. Expect to take some major leaps this week in your creative, work, and romantic lives. Plus, if this season of retrogrades has taught you nothing else, you’ve learned to let go of anything and everything that no longer serves you. This could mean a career change, cutting ties with toxic people, finding ways to close chapters and heal wounds. This attitude will have you feeling freer than you’ve ever been, so make the most of it. Go out with friends, start that new project, and spice up that wardrobe. An outfit like this sassy jumpsuit will be what gets you noticed. Your vibes this week are saying flirty—yet in control.
Lighten up—literally! The sun is coming to your house for the next four weeks, which will have you glowing from the inside out. This will be the time to get your house in order by taking special care of your body, mind and spirit. The planetary retrogrades have been especially difficult for you, so stat alert. Mercury may be about to stabilize, but it’s not over yet.
Careful ladies, one wrong word can have tumultuous consequences for your relationships—both romantic or otherwise. This week will have you placing a heavy emphasis on networking, which can be both good and bad. Sure, you will be making new friends and enjoying the fruits of your labors this summer, but interacting with many new personalities at once may be a bit hard for you to juggle. All in all, the week ahead is looking like a productive one for you.
Romance, and self-expression, and money—oh, my! With Mars and Mercury delaying your progress at the same time, your creative expression has been a little sluggish this summer. But never fear; it will all be over by the end of next week. For now, start making plans to pick up those projects that were put on hold… a little birdie tells us you’re about to breathe new life into them. Meanwhile, watch your money this week. Whether it’s canceling a few of those subscription services or cutting back on nights out with the girls, find some way to pinch those pennies for a while.
Like Gemini, you’re about to be blessed by the sun’s visit to your house for the next four weeks. Things will be put into perspective for you regarding your love life—but you will have to completely let go of the past before a healthy relationship can begin. Same goes for your ambitions. Dreams and creativity will flow for you this week like you’ve never seen before… but only if you’re willing to start fresh.
R&R is crucial for you during the next four weeks, as the sun will be in your house—but not shining directly on you. It may seem like the world is playing games with you, so now is the time to step back and lay low. Don’t worry, this does not mean you can’t be productive—you just have to do it in other ways. Try digging deep into your emotions to purge bad feelings you’ve held inside. Meditate. Take a yoga class. This will not be the most fun time of your life, but it can be the most positive…with the right attitude.
The heavens are smiling down on your social life—lucky you! Careful, the bountiful harvest you’re seeing is turning you into a bit of a narcissist, which can impact your relationships down the line (thank Mercury and Jupiter for that). Keep that in mind as you mix and mingle, you social butterfly, you. Of course, you want to look good while you’re doing it, and this killer necklace brought to you by our friends at Lindsey’s Kloset will help you shine like the star that you are.
Slytherins—I mean Sagittarius—are about to see their more ambitious nature come to the forefront. You’re goals and work ethic will place you heads above the crowd…if you’re desires and financial insecurities don’t get the best of you. Relax, restructure, and things will turn out better for you.
You do you, boo. The last few weeks have been extremely trying for Capricorn and the and the only thing to do is to renew your passion for life. Developing a more positive outlook is crucial for you type-a personalities, so get creative when cutting the ties that had you bound all summer. Just don’t try too hard. Patience is most definitely a virtue—especially when you’re so close to what you desire.
The sun’s movement into Virgo may make this an emotional time for you. Maybe not the most fun you will have, but a potentially rewarding experience if you’re willing to put in the work. Healing takes on many forms, so connecting with a therapist or spilling out all your feelings to your ex may not be necessary. Journaling can be an effective way to take stock of what’s really going on inside and what you really want. Just be honest with yourself.
Collaboration may be the key to your success this week. You don’t have to do everything on your own, you know. While you’ve always been more than competent in your endeavors, a willingness to compromise will serve you well in the workplace… and after hours, if you know what we mean.
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