Staycations Blow Vacations Right Out Of The Water Because.....
There’s more than one way to vacation. Traveling is actually not a requirement for you to relax and enjoy your time off. So, if you can’t afford to go away on holiday, or if you’d like to save some money, a staycation may be exactly what you need to have a summer adventure, minus expenses!
A staycation is by definition a vacation you enjoy in your hometown. It might sound contradictory, but it really doesn’t have to be. Think about it, the whole point of a vacation is to relax and disconnect, and you really don’t need to jump on a plane for that. In fact, let’s face it, how many times has traveling actually become more stressful than the daily routine you were trying to get away from? If you’re not fully on board with the idea of staying put for your holidays, here are a few reasons why staycations are actually great.
Via Sassy Hong Kong
First of all, your piggy bank will thank you! Yeah, that’s right, take a deep breath and think about all the money you won’t be spending. No need to book flights or accommodation. No eating out every single day and no paying for a bunch of tours and activities. Are you feeling relaxed yet? Taking a vacay at home means your expenses for those days won’t spike. You might actually save some money in comparison to what you spend on workdays, since you can eat homecooked meals everyday and you might not use as much gas/transportation. And doesn’t that feel good?
Via The Mom Forum
More good news? Your staycation starts exactly the second you are off the clock instead of when you land at your destination. Not only are you saving time on packing and travel, but you can maximize your relaxation time. You also won’t have to worry about making it to the airport on time, going through security or your flight getting delayed. You don’t even have to pack, because you have absolutely everything you need right where you are.
Via Secure Advantage
This is the perfect time for you to explore your hometown. I mean, how long have you lived here? And how much of it have you actually seen? There are so many things that get overlooked when they’re under your nose. Imagine that you are a tourist. What would you go see if you only had a few days to spend in your city? It’s easy to dismiss those things when they are there every day, but your hometown might have some iconic sights that you just never took the time to visit. Well, now’s your moment! Get your walking shoes and go make some memories!
You can also do some research about your hometown. You are an explorer now, remember? So, find out what the best spots to eat are, or what’s on at the moment in the local galleries and museums. There might be some summer festivals or cultural activities you could check out. You might just discover your new favourite restaurant, and you might learn something about your hometown you never expected to know before. Staying at home definitely does not mean being bored.
Do the little things you never have time to do. Enjoy the sunshine in the park and read a book or go for a walk. Maybe there’s a quaint little cafe you’ve walked by a few times but never actually gone in. Maybe you live in the coast but you never actually go to the beach. Staycations give you the opportunity to really enjoy those little pleasures. You don’t even have to go far. Maybe you could just have a barbeque in your backyard, or roll out your yoga mat and do some stretching, and uh, sunbathing, anyone?
Via Chatelaine
Once you have fully taken advantage of your surroundings, you can take the opportunity to do something a little out of the ordinary. There are plenty of things you might do abroad that you could as well do at home. Think kayaking or hiking, maybe rock climbing or wine tasting, anything that spices things up a little bit and satisfies your sense of curiosity and adventure. And, since you are saving on travel, maybe you can splurge a bit on some fun experiences.
Cover Pic Via LiveRove