'Feel Good' Summer Movie List To Keep You Mentally In Check All Season Long

 Summer is here! And there are plenty of things to do and see this season. You can either have a hectic schedule and put off what you need to do this summer or if you are a lucky one, plan your fun day all day long. What is a way better thing to do during the summer months? Then watch a great movie! We will no longer have to crowd around the pool or scour for the nearest beach, instead find the true meaning of life by watching a fantastic movie? There are all kinds of movies out there to watch. From every genre, which includes romantic, comedy, horror, or even mystery, but there are those untimely classics that we lean upon when we are happy or sad? Here is a list of ten of these movies that will not only offer healing powers or a peaceful moment but offer something that will forever live in our psyches and gets into our hearts. These are movies that were released recently or are classics in the eyes of those who watched them a thousand times;

Eat, Pray, Love 


This is a romantic comedy that we can all relate to- Divorce? Personal suffering? Loss of identity and self-discovery? It is set in different parts of the world, and absolutely makes you jealous where Julia Roberts travels to. She is great in this role of, Elizabeth Gilbert, playing this part like someone who is broken. It is like watching a train wreck happening in front of your eyes. – but we see how suddenly her life was spinning out of control. So, we embark with her newly single journey, which gives us a peek at her meaning in life. There in Indonesia, you can find inner peace and balance of true love as well. So, if you want a crazy journey and see an extraordinary life after divorce movie, this is the movie to watch!

The Shack


This is an eye-opening movie based upon the book of the same name. I feel for the character of Mack because he loses his daughter to homicide and he needs to find his way back to humanity and sanity. Its roots lie in Christianity, but in the movie, where Christianity is involved, you know this will be a great wholesome movie. Mack retreats to the woods and we go along with him, while he is accompanied by the three strangers. When he is feeling loss, we are feeling it. When he feels pain we do to and survival, we felt that as well. It was as if Mack’s purpose was to find ultimate peace and the hope that was once lost.

Slumdog Millionaire


There is a showing of hard times for Indian youths in India and it is so sad how many must resort to living in slums, while also becoming thieves. There is a closeness amongst the children such as Jamal and his friends, which were called The Three Musketeer’s. Having the opportunity to shake off the poverty by being a game show contestant and only needing to answer one question, which is miraculous. I think that the moral to Slumdog? It helps us become closer to friends, which will change you in the end ultimate experiences that we must all go through. Enough to helps us to venture to more greater things. 

The Proposal 


Margaret Tate is editor in chief of a publishing firm in New York. Although in the movie, she seems harsh and lonely, we feel for her as we get to know her. It's a funny romantic comedy. Especially, when she gets visited by the US immigrant agent and gets threatened by being deported back to Canada, it is funny how she hatches a plan to marry an American citizen just, so she can stay in the United states. This fake marriage brings in so many complications, but also makes us realize the question- do we know people in real life anyway?  In the process of their fake proposal, both Margaret and Andrew learn to live together, and they easily fall in love with each other. This marriage of inconvenience is a funny version of anyone’s relationships. 

The Notebook


This is the one of the most romantic movies ever, set in 1940s South Carolina, it focuses on two characters who magically fall in love, Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling), who falls in love at first sight with rich girl Allie (Rachel McAdams) and Allie who doesn’t realize she loved Noah until later. They did have to go through a lot as a couple, especially, with their parent’s disapproval, but they learn to live with betraying their families to stay together. Their love affair shows us about the integrity of love and love’s ultimate promise.

Shakespeare in Love


This movie trails a fictional Shakespeare character through his many trivial lives. I have never thought as Shakespeare as a real-life person, maybe because his writing process is so genius. However, when you watch this movie, it will leave you destined to follow Shakespeare’s writings. What else is amazingly wrong about this story? That the writer, Shakespeare was suffering through writer’s block. This is something that should not have happened, but as mentioned it is a fictional character. The movie is based on true love, along with the intensity for Shakespeare’s lady love to disguise herself as a man to act in his plays. Their forbidden love inspires Shakespeare to write the most beautiful play ever written. You can watch this movie with your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband, and It will leave you swept away by passion. 

Easy A


This is a great rebellious teen movie! Not only it details the life of a once nerdy character, blossoming into a cool chic, but it also makes us realize about our own pride in the system of life. The character of Olive is swindled to lie about something serious, but she tells this little lie, out of love and support for her friend. These lies spread throughout the campus and it does cause a ruckus but prompts others to be truthful. So, if you want a side splitting laughable time, try watching this movie. It will have you rooting for, Olive played by (Emma Stone), a clean-cut teen, who likes to make those angry including high-school busybody (Amanda Bynes. This is a comedy that will engage your rebellious side.

LA LA Land

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Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) and Mia (Emma Stone) are drawn together by their common desire to do what they love. The movie shows how much they love, and shows the best parts of their careers. Between me and you, they are both talented.  Their focus on stardom and total confidence is commendable but will both achieve their dreams? Or will success mount on top of them and leave them facing decisions? Decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair. It is a movie that will send you to do something creative. It shows the evil side to the success of others, while also showing hard work and standing tall. 



Kristen Wiig tries desperately to be the main maid of honor. Even as she tries to build her life, everything seems to fall all around her. Ultimately, she gets what she wants and earns her way to be a great maid of honor. This is a funny movie that embraces women friendship that should serve as an example of true friendship.

Before Sunrise


On his way to Vienna, an American man and French woman meet on a train and decide to spend the day together. Although they have little money and no pure direction, they make the most of it and go hopping from place to place, while getting to know each other. After they wander the city together, they both decide to meet each other in the future. The movie is specifically for couples but it will leave you dying to know what comes next. It reminds us to be a little spontaneous and throw your hands over your head and just go with it.





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